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I wanted to remove my eyes from him. Even though I didn't want to admit it he scared me, but my vision was locked with his and I didn't want to be the one averting my eyes. I couldn't really tell by his facial expression what my appearance had made him feel. At last he turned his head to look at the on going fight beneath him.

The voice inside of me told me I should ran away and avoid him as best as I could. At the same time the admiral on the left, Aokiji landed on the battlefield in front of Luffy who was still heading towards Ace. I would had ran to fight alongside him but I felt someone appearing behind me. I didn't have to turn around to look or use my Haki to know that it was him.


"What an honor for me to fight a Navy Admiral" I said calmly and then quickly turned around in an attempt to slice him open with the blade I had in my hand. But he disappeared and then reappeared a few meters away. I clumsily span the blades inside my hands feeling uncomfortable. That was a fight I would lose, and I should probably ran to avoid but now that he was standing in front of me all common sense had fled me.

"Your face" he started saying with that slow voice I detested. "sounds familiar to me somehow!" As he was speaking that sentence slowly as hell, I kept twisting my small weapons between my fingers.

"Would you like me to brush up your memory?" I hissed and forced myself to stop spinning the blades. I needed to be ready to protect myself from his attack.

The man who's blood I shared scanned me from tip to toe and then took a fake surprised expression.

"LIAR!" I cried till my throat hurt. With my Haki I saw him moving to the right to avoid my upcoming attack so instead of aiming for him I aimed a bit more on the right. He didn't have time to react when he realized what I had done so my blade, not the silver one from the fat marine, one of the others, tore his sleeve to the level of his elbow.

I must have cut a vein because the blood that started coming out wouldn't stop. His right arm turned red and I grinned satisfied. Before I could react I was thrown up in the sky from a strong kick of his. I felt like all my bones were broken and I'm sure I would have died if that blonde pirate hadn't caught me.

At first I thought it was a bird made of blue fire and I waited terrified to feel my body being burned. But when I opened my eyes a man with weird blonde hair was placing me and Luffy down.

We both said the other person's name and then turned to look at the pirate that had saved us.

"Get moving Mugiwara!" He ordered Luffy. "We wasted precious time to save that girl".

"Thanks Marco!" Luffy replied.

Anxiously I turned to look at the place where my father had been before. He was now fighting a pirate from Whitebeard's crew. I could tell that by the tattoo on his forearm. Luffy started running again towards the platform and this time I followed him. He took care of most of the enemies we encountered on our way but I still helped by throwing my knives to someone's eyes, heart, stomach or arms.

"LUFFY!" We all suddenly heard and froze in place. It was Ace's voice. He was yelling the same word he yelled back in Impel Down when the navy was taking him away but this time it sounded so different. Luffy kept running but he rose his head to look at his brother. "Keep away Luffy!" Ace shouted and I felt my heart being squeezed. "You gotta know already" he continued "you and I are both pirates. You should be out sailing wherever you want. Me, I have my own adventures! I have my own friends. You have no right to interfere with that. A weakling like you coming to rescue me-" his words made me furious how dared he talk to his younger brother like that when he had been through hells to get to him!

But Luffy wasn't listening to Ace's words. He punched a marine in the nose and kept running!

"Move!" said Luffy and I continued running alongside him. I wanted to get on that platform and punch Ace senseless for what he was saying.

"You think I'm going to let that happen? That would be too humiliating." Ace said and as he saw that Luffy wasn't paying attention to his words he let out a final cry. "Go back Luffy. Why did you come?" and lowered his head. I traveled to him with my Haki and saw him sad, ready to cry as he clenched his handcuffed fists. Everyone heard Ace's words towards Luffy but only I and that marine, Garp heard the things he whispered afterwards "Please Luffy I don't want to take you with me, this is my failure" I came to understand why Ace had spoken to his brother like that, and it only made me more depressed.

Luffy beside me made me lose my concentration when he started shouting back at him.


These were his words. And it needn't say anything more. That alone explained everything and it was more than enough. He was his brother and he had come to save him. He didn't care if he was a weakling, he didn't care about the danger that could possibly kill him. Luffy had come to save his older brother!

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