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"No" Luffy said sternly making everyone stare at him in shock. Everyone was expecting that Luffy's kindhearted nature would make him say yes and then everyone would try convincing him otherwise because messing with a Yonko is not wise. "Momo!" He then shouted and turned around to look at the boy. "How do I know you're the real heir or the leader of or samurai and not just a random crybaby?" He asked him

Kin'emon, Kanjuro and Raizo got ready to defend his young master but Momonosuke walked up to Luffy and signed them to stop.

"Luffy-san" he spoke as clearly as he could. This whole talk about Wano had made him remember how his parents were killed and had brought tears to his eyes. Even though he tried really hard he couldn't contain them. "I want to fight Kaido!" He cried. "I want to avenge my parents and protect my retainers, but for that I need you to help me in the fight! So will you please fight beside us?" He said.

Everyone was moved from his speech even Pearl and so all eyes were fixed on Luffy.

"Alright then" he said. "I'll do it! But! I want to get Sanji back first!"

That was how the alliance between Pirates Samurai and Minks was formed. They then decided what they will do next. Everyone would head to Wano; the samurai, Inuarashi, Nekomamushi, the Straw Hats, and Law. However, Nekomamushi revealed that he first wanted to find Marco the Phoenix in order to gain more allies;

"Marco?" Pearl spoke for the first time.

"Who's Marco?" Luffy muttered puzzled and Pearl gawked at him unable to believe that Luffy didn't remember Whitebeard's first division commander. She didn't know whether or not she should punch him in the head or ask him if he was joking.

"You don't remember?!" She finally asked but as she expected Luffy didn't even look at her.

"You know him?" Nekomamushi asked her.

"Yes! He saved me- no he saved us at the war!" She explained and continued gawking at Luffy.

"He looks like a Pineapple" Robin proposed and his eyes lit.

"Oh yes! I remember!" He said making everyone glare at him. Pearl shouldn't have been surprised taking in account that he didn't recognise her when she died her hair, but she couldn't believe that he had forgotten the man who had saved him a handful of times at the war.

She thought of asking Nekomamushi to go with  him when something in her twitched. Swiftly she used her Haki and found her self looking at the see beside Zunesha's feet. At first she couldn't understand why she was there when gradually a ship began to appear through the mist. On its deck was standing a huge creature  with two enormous horns. Immediately she pinched herself lightly and was brought back to reality in the cave with everyone else.

"Hey, Hey!" She shouted and everyone turned to look at her.

"How did that Jack guy look like?" She asked and before they were able to answer her she continued. "Did he look like a mammoth or something? Did he have blonde hair?!"

The minks nodded worriedly.

"He's down by Zunesha's feet!"

"What are you talking about?" Law hissed.

"I swear he's here!"

"How do you know?!" Inuarashi asked and Pearl looked around her hoping that someone, anyone would believe her. She had never encountered anyone else that could use Observation's Haki the way she did so she knew it would be hard to explain. She got ready to speak.

"Believe her, she has very strong observation's Haki" Luffy spoke to her surprise.

"Hai! Let's go!" Everyone said and they rushed out of the whale shaped tree. But before they were able to reach the Right Belly the ground began to shake.

"What's going on?" Nami shrieked as everyone was trying to stay on their feet.

Pearl used her Haki once more but the view she came across was horrific and she snapped back immediately.

"He's attacking her!" She explained even though everyone had the same guess. "What do we do?"

All of the sudden Momonosuke began to cry and Luffy started shouting at him.

"Order her Momo!

"What's going on?" Kin'emon asked and rushed towards the boy.

"I can see through her eyes! She's asking me to give her the order to protect herself!" Momo cried and held his ears as if he was unable to withstand a loud voice.

"Scream the order to her!" Luffy shouted once again.

In the sound of that, Momonosuke dried his tears and gathering all his courage he shouted.


Indeed, Zou stopped shaking and Pearl was able to see the giant elephant swing her trunk and shatter the creature's ships. Everyone took a minute to catch their breath and make sure that they could stand up, while the rest of the minks came out of the forest confused and unable to grasp the situation.

"How exactly did he find us?" Inuarashi asked rhetorically.

"I don't know. This is dangerous for everyone here. We need to figure out how Jack navigated here" Nekomamushi replied.

"I need to leave" Luffy said interrupting them. "I can't wait any longer. I need to get Sanji back"

"Wait Luffy!" Nami said "I'll come with you. There's no way you can find Whole Cake island by yourself"

"Me too Luffy!" Chopper hopped "What If any of you gets injured?"

"I would like to come along too Luffy-san" Brook said. "To be honest I think we three have to come along... in the very end it's because we couldn't protect Sanji that you have to go take him back now. So let us come with you"

Luffy looked at them for a moment and eventually nodded approvingly.

"But can I go tend to Zunesha's foot first?" Chopper asked almost pleadingly.

"Yes, go ahead. I'll prepare for the journey. I'll meet the rest of you in Wano and this time Sanji will be with me; Alright?" He shouted and almost everyone smiled at his determination.

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