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"I repeat you won't get your blades back!" Law said as he took off his coat and placed his sword down

"I don't care!" She shouted. "Throw them out of the window, melt them in the fire, I couldn't care less!"

They were standing in the middle of the room, Pearl staring out of the small window on the back and Law having a view of her back. Such a familiar scene he thought. He could feel her ready to burst, it was as if he could see the future, knowing that he would eventually have to immobilise her in order to stop her hysterical crises. He didn't want to experience it again.

"What happened?" Law asked softly.

"I'm leaving!"


"I said I'm leaving! I can't stand this anymore I'm leaving Luffy's crew". She said quickly without looking at him.

"You can't do that" Law replied calmly.

"Why can't I? No one will mind! I'll hop on a boat and get away. I used to do that before I won't be having any problems now!"

"You are part of the Strawhats."

"Really?" she said dragging the word ironically "They don't seem to agree with that. Not even Luffy seems to want me here, so who's going to stop me?!"

"You also have a bounty of five-!"

"No need to remind me!"

"Either way you're not going anywhere!" Law hissed. Pearl turned around and looked at him puzzled. "Even if you want to leave Luffy's crew you're part of an alliance!"

"No one cares about me. I'm nothing. I'm no use for anyone and anything, they won't mind" she replied calmly.

"Useful or not, walking out now could be risky. What if you betray us?"

"I don't have such plans"

"How am I supposed to know that?!" He spoke loudly leaving no room for disagreements. "What happened?"

Pearl hesitated before answering. "Luffy... he's just so childish and immature. There's not a single thing that he can grasp on his own! He's still mad about the bounty and" she paused hating the words that were ready to come out of her mouth "he said that I am using Ace's fame". She had relaxed. She wasn't shouting anymore and her voice was low and tired. "So what am I doing here, when my own captain doesn't want me around. Actually, I don't even like calling him my captain! He is the only friend I've got from that dreadful period and even he doesn't understand me anymore"

Law had listened to her carefully and when she was done he walked towards his bed and sat there with his back turned at the girl. once more he couldn't understand her.

"Why are you telling me all this? Why didn't you just leave? Why did you have to come here and tell me how no one understands you, why do I have to hear about the problems you have with your boyfriend? Why do you assume that I care?" He asked spitting out the last question in the most poisonous tone he could use. He wanted to feel sympathy for her, but when he had tried to invite her to his crew he had denied him. She always came to him, took what she wanted and then left and until recently that had never bothered him. That was how he functioned as well. But when she started whining about her problems to him, the problems that she wouldn't have if she had followed him, he had felt something inside of him itching slightly with anger. He closed his eyes and prepared himself for an ugly disagreement, ready to hear her screaming, angry from what he had said. But instead she knelt on the bed behind him, her body close to his back, without touching him and asked:

"Do you want me to leave?"

Law bit his lip and opened his eyes, slowly turning around. Pearl was there, her full lips curved downwards slightly. He noticed her big sapphire eyes as if it was the first time seeing them. Slightly swollen from her previous tears that she had probably forced down, with dark circles around them. It wasn't the first time the looked at him but they still pierced through him. He let out a slightly irritated sigh but he couldn't deny that from the very first the moment he had looked at her he had been hypnotised by this pair of emerald eyes. He couldn't understand how such a simple question had taken away all the anger and jealousy he was feeling.

"No" he said finally.

Gradually both of them leaned in for a kiss. Law brought his hand up and cupped her cheek brushing it with his thumb a few times before he dipped it into the forest of her black hair. Pearl got her hands under his shirt and tickled his back feeling him getting chills from that and kissing her harder. She took off his shirt and he tore off her top. Law then gently pushed her backwards laying her on the bed. Slowly he moved downwards and unbuttoned her torn pants pulling them off her. When she was only left with her underwear she gave her a kiss over her making her leave out a surprised gasp. His hand found her clit and began rubbing it while continued kissing her from her belly button down to where her panties were.

"What are you doing?" She asked.

"What? You were never given a head before?" He asked her surprised but at the same time quite amused.

"Eh no..." she muttered.

"Then just shut up and enjoy it" He smirked and removed her panties.

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