Chapter 15

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Mackenzie's p.o.v

I looked in the mirror one more time. I had my hair curled perfectly. My makeup was gorgeous But it took 5 trys to get it right. I had on a bright blue fluffy dress that come up about mid-thigh. It was like a prom dress! It was the first piece of clothing I had that wasn't black or white. I put on a pair of black heels and walked downstairs. Everyone stopped talking and looked up at me. "Hey guys." I blushed. Everyone just shyly smiled. I got a text. I looked down at my phone and gasped.

Granny😘 : Hi honey! We wanted to say hi and happy birthday. Be done at home at around 6 for a birthday dinner. Love you! <3  -gma

I looked up at everyone and frowned. "Change of plans! Party without me! I have to go meet my grandparents for dinner!" I say quickly before running out to the car. I hop in it and start it. I quickly drive to my granny's house. I ring the doorbell and my cousin answers. He looks nice. He's actually gotten cuter. He's really hot actually. I smile at him and wave. "Happy birthday Mackenzie!" He smiles. I hug him and while we're hugging I smell his hair. Omg it smells like pineapple. He pulls away quickly. "Did you just sniff my hair?!" He asked, a little weirded out. "No!" I reply quickly. I walk inside and met my granny in the kitchen. "Hi Granny!" I squeal. "Oh look at you! You're all grown up and beautiful!" She said loudly. I smiled and hugged her. "Hi granny" I repeated.  I pulled away and walked to my old bedroom. They still clean it. My cousin walks in and closes the door behind him. He walks up to me, really close to me actually. "They still make the bed and clean the room, like you're still here." He murmurs. I just smile. "Where do you live now?" He asks. Shit. I can't just say I live with a bunch of killers. "Uh.. With friends!" I say, looking at him. He's literally perfect. He leans in and kisses me. That was fast. I know I shouldn't have because he's my cousin, but I kissed back. He put his hands on my back and I put my hands around his neck. It got pretty heated but I pulled away and giggled. I looked down because I was blushing so much. "You're beautiful. You're really adorable when you blush." He says, grinning. "Thank you" I say smiling still. I walk out and walk back into the kitchen. They had cake all fixed on the kitchen table. "Awe! Thank you guys!" I say. My cousin walks up to me and puts his arm around my waist. "Cody helped bake it!" Grandpa says. My cousin, apparently his name's Cody, looks at me at grins. He looks like Hayes Grier now that I think about it. He turns his head towards me and whispers, "Go out with me?" I freeze. "W-What?" I reply. He chuckles and moves him hand down a little from my waist and grabs my ass. "We'll talk after we eat." I look up at him and he winks. "Cody! Help me cut the cake" Granny yells. "Coming Granny!" He winks again before running off the help Grandma. Oh... Shit.

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