Whats Happening? Part 1

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Hello :) i think this is a long chapter so enjoy!


Harry's P.O.V

I woke up to the sound of silent crying and the smell of air

Freshener.there was a beep sound every few seconds.I was laying in a white bed wearing a blue gown.

I took a look around the room I was in and saw 4 peoples shadow outside the glass door.1 more person joined that group. I'm still a bit confused at what happened and were I am.

The door creaked open and i closed my eyes so they would think I'm asleep.Who knows who these boys are and what they'll do to me.So i'll eavesdrop.

There were some shuffling sounds and whispering that i couldn't make out.

"Get that chair and sit with us" one of the voices said.

It was silent for a bit until and orish voice spoke out.

"Whe-re Whe-re did y-you f-f-ind him..... l-like th-tha-that".

And thats when their converstation started.

"I fou-nd H-im L-aying b-by a d-damaged c-ar when I wa-as out F-or a S-Smoke. a-nd h-he wouldnt a-answer .m-me.."

That voice broke down crying and so did the rest of the guys.

"could i-t be th-at g-irls f-fault? Th-the one h-he was ta-talking to?"

"M-aybe b-ut I do-nt C-care I -I just wa-want h-him to C-come B-baack t-to us"

"W-hy Him! W-why!"

And the crying started again.

"we Have t-to c-cancel th-the c-concerts"

Concert? What concerts?

"GUYS HES AWAKE"the irish guy suddenly yelled.

Oh Shit I think i said that out loud.

3 of the boys came and surrounded me with sad smiles. Their eyes were red and puffy an there where huge bags under their eyes.It looked like they had been crying for hours with no sleep.But were they crying because of me?

"H-HARRY thank god your o-k" one of the guys said.

"yeah I-I d-dont know w-what I w-would d-do without y-you" the guy with the really nice quiff spoke.

Then the guy with a striped shirt just straight up hugged me.

"Don't ever scare us like that again" he said.

"Umm.... Excuse me... Ahem ...guy hugging me... Your hurting me" I mumbled.

He stepped away from me looking surprised.

"You -you don't know ..m-my name?" he asked

"Ummm why would I. Its not like i know you or anything"

They all gasped.

Then the 4th guy came next to me.His eyes were filled with anger and sadness at the same time.

"Harry how could you! You scared us! Dont ever do that again Harry understand!?" he grabbed my arms and shook me.

"UNDERSTAND?!" tears were now forming in his brown eyes.He looked the worse out of the three. "Everyone is counting on you for the shows concerts interviews..everything and you just go and hurt yourself!!"

"Liam its not about the shows." One of the guys spoke up."I mean we know its important but Harry's safety is way more important.So we shouldnt worry about the shows

now.we'll worry later"

"Your right Louis.... Im sorry...I just dont know what we would do without you Harry! You scared me...You scared all of us! Your mom is crying her eyes out in England while your hurt here in America and she cant come to see you!. Just promise you wont do that again Harry"

His tears were know flowing out of his eyes rapidly as he held on to my hand.

".....do what again?" I asked

"...You dont know?"He asked.He looked just a shocked as the othet guy who hugged me.

"Harry.... Please tell me this is a joke"

"Umm its a joke?"


"No" i replied."You just told me to tell you it was a joke and i did..."

"HARRY whats our names?" He panicked.

I didnt know what to say .I just stayed quiet and fiddled with my fingers...was i supposed to know them?

"HARRY?" he yelled."HARRY PLEASE NO"

The door swung open and in came a Man with a white over coat.

"excuse me what is going on here.I heard shouting and this patient needs peace and quiet so he can rest."he said

Then the irish guy asked him"Umm sir is Harry going to be okay?"

"Yes he is ..if he gets the right treatment"

"WHY DIDNT YOU TELL US HE HAD MEMORY LOSS!" the striped shirt guy suddenly yelled.

"Erm well i thought he would remember everything by now...You see there are 3 things that might happen. One .is that he'll remember everything at once. So all the memories will rush back to him at one time.It may be painful but it happens.Two is that he will slowly start to regain his memory after a while.He just has to go through his normal routines everyday."

He stopped talking.

"and whats the 3rd?" the quiff hair guy asked.

"Well the third option is the most common one out of all in this particular situation..... . If there are some symptoms in the way he acts we can tell if he is going through the thrid option."

"Well what is it?!" the irish guy asked.

They were all Tapping their feet on the ground impatiently waiting for an answer.

The doctor sighed....."He may never regains his memory forever.


well there you have it the next chapter! I'll upload again later today so maybe at night.So then i would upload 2 chapters. In one day! you guys are lucky ducks!!

And btw i honestly have no clue if the memory loss options are actually real.They might be idk.If they arnt possible then Just pretend it is haha after all its just a fan fiction! :)

Thank you guys SOO SO SO much for reading.! And please fan/comment/vote ? (:


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