The Party Poopers

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It was 8:30 and Peter was getting antsy.
"Lara Jeeeeean! What could possibly be taking you that long!" He said, knocking on the bathroom door.
I was in there doing my makeup. Ok, so the problem was that I never actually wore makeup, but tonight I felt morally obligated to. All those other girls were so naturally pretty, so with makeup, they would probably be like goddesses. They were everything I ever wanted to be: beautiful, confident, confident, confident...did I mention confident?
But I was wearing mascara and the coral colored lipstick stormy had given me

A/N: stormys a character in the books! K now back to the story

So that was how I walked out, feeing more confident in those heeled boots Peter had complimented me on so long ago and ripped mom jeans.

"Wow, Lara Jean, you look good!" Peter said when I walked out. I could tell he was being very careful because daddy was right downstairs.

I wanted to laugh a little because I realized I wasn't sure if he was being careful of daddy, who he was secretly afraid of, or kitty, who he was equally afraid of. Instead, I gave him a quick kiss and pushed past him into my room to get my phone and wallet.

"Peter! Peter! Peter!" I heard little footsteps running up the stairs.

Yep, kitty had found us.

"Kitty Cat!" Peter yelled playfully as he swung her around. Kitty, who was now 12, always seemed to act like an adult. She was serious in a sarcastic way, and never acted like a flat out child. Unless she was with Peter. He brought out the little kid in her, and I was so grateful for it. Josh used to do that too, but Kitty was younger then, and actually was a child, so it didn't have the same effect as Peter. 

"Peter, are you taking my sister out again?" Kitty asked, her serious face was starting to slip on again. 

Peter bent down so he was at her level and squinted his eyes. "So what if I am?" He asked her playfully.

"Well I want her home by curfew." Kitty said with her authoritative voice. 
"Yes, Ma'am," Laughed Peter, Tipping an imaginary hat.

He stood up and we slipped into my room, where he engulfed me in a hug and I was stuffed into his arms. I could smell his cologne and a hint of chocolate (we had previously been cookie taste-testing) and it made me smile. He and Kitty make me smile. I guess I'd never realized just how much I smile when I'm around Peter.


We were walking up to Kate's house when I got a text from her.

We're around back. Hope you brought your swimsuit!

I had not. No one had told me it was a pool party. 

"You brought yours, right?" Leave it to Peter to have been reading over my shoulder. I shook my head and he let out a little 'aww' sound.

"Hey, that text could have been private!" I said as he opened the door for me. We were walking through her gorgeous house to the backyard when he laughed and said, 
"No secrets, remember? Fight Club?" I sighed. As much as I hated to admit it, Fight Club was actually a pretty good movie, but it would never top 16 candles. I secretly think Peter liked 16 candles better but would never admit it. Margo says most boys actually like the sappy stuff better, but are too embarrassed to say anything about it,

"Ayyyy Peter and Lara Jean are here!" One of the boys, Tucker, yelled out. Tucker was Kate's twin brother, but the two were actually like best friends. He was dating Emily, who liked to talk about it a lot. Peter kissed my cheek with a murmur about getting a drink, and I took the opportunity to look around. There must have been 20 or 30 people there, but it was still kind of small looking. 

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