All a dream

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I was sitting behind the wheel of my little Subaru. Ok, so I still wasn't that confident behind the wheel, but I was doing my best.

Sitting there in the school parking lot, I looked in my mirrors and saw Peter behind me. He obviously didn't know I was there, so my first thought was to scare him a bit. He was always scaring me, or pulling little pranks on me, so it was harmless to get him back, right?

But I don't know what happened. I pulled out of the parking spot just fine, but I hit reverse hard when my foot slipped, and my car shot back, right into Peter. 

I had just killed my boyfriend.


I woke up gasping, sweating, crying. It was all a dream.

Peter's ok, you're ok, that never happened, I told myself.

But I couldn't stop shaking, and tears were rolling steadily down my cheeks, my breathing labored and fast. I rolled over to look at my clock, and it was 2 in the morning. Dad would be asleep, and Margo couldn't help if she wasn't here. Kitty had an early morning basketball game, so I wouldn't wake her. It was well known Chris slept like the dead, so that wouldn't help.

One more person.

I tapped peter's contact in my phone, silently praying he would hear it so we could talk on the phone. 

I was about to hang up on the 5th ring, but I heard a little click and a low, quiet, 
"Covey? You okay? What's wrong?" And while his voice was comforting, It reminded me of the short-lived horror of losing him in my dream and all I could do is sob, "Peter, you're okay," And then collapse into sobs, stuffing my face into a pillow so I wouldn't wake anyone. 

"Baby." His voice was a little shaky, and worry was laced in that one word. "Ok, steady your breathing, it's all ok. I'm ok, you're ok, and I love you. I love you so much." He said, and for a little while, I only heard shuffling. It went silent for 7 minutes, to be exact, but I was so emotionally exhausted I couldn't speak. 

Nightmares were one thing I remembered about mommy. She would sweep into my room, and would put my head on her lap, stroking my hair in the way that she knew comforted me, and would coo sweet nothings into my ear until I fell back asleep to a dreamless sleep, where I felt safe with her.

But I didn't have her for that now. 

Peter hung up, and I was about to start sobbing again, but I heard a knock on my window, and I was too tired to wonder who it was, so instead I got up. I was in a bra and a loose hanging tanktop, and sweatpants that technically belonged to Peter and were much too big for me, but I didn't care about any of that when I saw the face behind the window as I pulled it open.

His arms immediately wrapped around me, and I snuggled my face into his neck, starting to cry again.

"Covey." He said. Peter. My peter came for me, and I couldn't quite see his face as we pulled away. The only light coming in was from the moon, and my very faint fairy lights. 

I started crying again, just at the sound of his voice. It was weird, because a voice in the back of my head was telling me it was all just a dream. Peter was fine, and there was literally no reason to be crying like a baby.

But then, even a dream thought of me losing Peter...I couldn't take it. I told him what had happened between sobs, as he climbed fully through the window. 

As soon as I had finished, he swiftly grabbed me. He wrapped his strong arms around my waist, and I lifted my legs, wrapping them around his waist as he held my head comfortingly against his chest.

All I wanted was Peter, to know he was alive. To know he was mine. He sat down on my bed, and I was sitting on his lap. He lay down, and began kissing my neck and stroking my hair, occasionally whispering loving things in my ear. I almost wanted to laugh. Peter, tough lacrosse Peter, was holding me, hugging me, cuddling me, and he was mine.

It seemed surreal. 


I felt sunlight hitting my face. I was about to reach up and stretch, but I felt Peter's chest rising and falling evenly, signaling that he was still asleep, and last night came flooding into my mind. We had fallen asleep cuddling, and I realized it was 9 am. No one else was home, because Kitty was at her game, and My dad had to go in for an early morning work call. 

I looked up at peter. His arms were firmly wrapped around me, and his hair was falling in his face a bit. I reached up to his perfect face and gently brushed his hair away, and his eyelashes fluttered. I pulled up his hand, rough and calloused from lacrosse, and kissed the back of it as he woke up.

"Hi, Covey," He said, pulling me closer, If that was even possible.

"Hi, babe." I smiled up at him. I almost never called him names like that, but he had integrated them instead of just Covey (Although he had said several times that was still his favorite), and I realized I wanted to, too. It kind of finalized things, reminded me that this was real and he was actually mine.

He smiled and we both got up, and for the first time, I got a good look at him. He was in joggers and an old lacrosse shirt, and his hair had a hilariously unfortunate case of bedhead.
He smelled like his cologne and my perfume, which lingered around my room.

All of a sudden, he picked me op and swung me around, looking down and smiling at me.

"Will you, Lara Jean Covey, be my date to ihop this morning?"  He had his patented Peter face on.

"Yes," I replied, laughing, "I would love to."


Fiiiiifth chapter!! Wow there is a WHOLE ton of fluff in this. Did I get y'all with the beginning? Dont worry, Peter K is much to precious to kill off.
Anyway, next chapter should be up either tomorrow or wed. We'll see. Stay tuned.



I Like Me Better | to all the boys I've loved beforeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora