Ok, honey

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Guys and Gals, this is the last chapter in this book aaand I'm crying. Enjoy!! Love yall :)

That first night, Everyone in our house decided we were gonna barbecue out on the giant porch, and I had never been more excited. I absolutely loved late nights with friends, especially when we didn't have to leave the house that night. It meant we always stayed up as late as we wanted because we didn't have to drive ourselves home.

Peter and I had 10 minutes before everyone started yelling at us to please send down our asses, so we were changing. I only cared about being comfy, so I changed into Nike spandex from cheerleading, and Peters lacrosse sweatshirt. I slipped out of the bathroom to find peter on the bed, scrolling through Instagram. He turned around and smiled, and walked over to me.
"You should put your hair down more, Covey, I like it." He smiled, and reached around me to pull the scrunchie out of my hair and look me up and down.
"Ok, fine," I said, combing through my hair with my fingers, "are you ready to go?" Peter just laughed and linked his fingers with mine and we headed down the stairs.

At the bottom, people were all over the kitchen and living room, and it was loud. Someone had brought a speaker, and "better not" was playing loudly, competing with the football game that the guys were yelling about. Someone tossed Peter a beer as we walked in, an as he was about to open it, I gave him a look. My uncle used to drink when I was little, and I hated the way it made him act, and peter knew alcohol, especially in an uncontrolled environment
(wtf is with me and these big words u guys)
made me uncomfortable. He looked at me and set his beer down on the table. "Wanna come with me to grab a soda, Babe?"
Just another reason I loved peter.
We headed over to the couch, where the guys were watching football. Peter did that weird guy thing where he hopped over the couch and sat down, and then, to my surprise, he reached out and pulled me into his lap.
What I had never told peter was that my whole life, I had loved watching football.  My dad and I had shared that, even though I really hated the game, I knew a lot about it. So halfway through the game, I didn't notice the teenaged boys staring at me with their mouths wide open as I yelled, "Ah, their secondary sucks, Carson had to see that coming!" I smiled as I felt Peters arms tighten around me and his head snuggle into my neck, saying in a muffled voice, "There's no one like you, Covey." My eyes closed and all the noises, the girls screaming as Chloe full on dropped an apple pie, the guys yelling at the tv, the loud music playing...they all faded out, and for that minute, it was just me and Peter, and I realized how happy I was with just that in my life. 

Later on, I headed over to the kitchen, and the other girls were waiting there, sitting around and talking. I hopped up on the counter and Kate spun to put her head in my lap and I absentmindedly started braiding her hair. 

"So, Miss Covey," She said in a fake british accent as the other girls laughed, "How are you and sir Kavinsky doing?" I laughed and tugged playfully on one of her braids. I was about to answer but my eyes widened as I looked into the oven. 

"Kate...how long have those cookies been in there?" I asked, looking at the smoke filling in the oven. 

"Aw shit! My cookies!" She yelled grabbing a towel and running towards the oven, releasing smoke everywhere, and setting the smoke alarms off. The boys all started yelling as they couldnt hear their game over the beeping, and Tucker sighed and covered an alarm up with a plastic container. 

"Women belong in the kitchen, yeah right," He said, making fun of Kate as she whacked him with a dishtowel. 

"Uh, so who's up for an outdoor barbeque?" Chloe suggested, and we all rushed out onto the deck, tired of the smoke. 

I Like Me Better | to all the boys I've loved beforeWhere stories live. Discover now