Chapter 25: I'm Back

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Chapter 25: I’m Back 

When Marshall has said how bad he was at surfing, Riley had expected it to be an exaggeration, but after hours of wading around in the water, he’d only managed to get stay on his feet for three or four rides. However, he seemed to have fun as she told him where he was going wrong and how to judge the oncoming waves. The weather had been much warmer that Michigan, despite the fall climate. As the sun started to set, and more people showed up for twilight walks along the beach, they called it quits. Riley was hardly surprised when they’d pulled in their boards and a woman walking her dog asked Marshall for a picture. 

It was nice to have Marshall on her turf. When they got back, she’d cooked dinner and they ate around her crammed two seater table with mismatching chairs. The simplicity was wonderful. She felt like they never had to push their relationship, it always flowed so easily. There was never an awkward silence or a dull moment. He was like something from an old dream that had worked his way back into her life. 

They’d had a quiet night in the apartment, lounging around on the sofa. They had the muted television on but neither had watched it. They’d spent hours talking but the last thing she remembered was falling asleep in his arms. 

She felt herself stir, morning light burning her eyelids. She reached down and ran the cotton sheets between her fingers and rolled over. That’s when she remembered the night before and opened her eyes, sitting up. She could have sworn she’d fallen asleep on the sofa with Marshall. But here she was, in her bed, alone. He must have carried her to bed. Smiling and rubbing her eyes, she checked the time and saw that she was lucky enough to wake up early, not having set an alarm for her photo-shoot. 

She swung her legs over the edge of the bed and supported her weight on her tired muscles. It’d been over a week since she’d surfed and doing it again so suddenly had worn her out. As she stumbled out into the main section of her apartment, she spotted Marshall in the kitchen chewing on buttered toast. Yawning, she went straight to the coffee pot, unable to focus until she drank her morning miracle. 

“What time’s your photo-shoot?” Marshall asked, still in his track pants and shirt from the night before. 

As Riley poured herself of mug, she wasn’t bothered with milk as she sipped at the beautiful rich taste of coffee. “Not until 9, but it will take a half hour to get to the city.” She felt the warmth spread through her body and immediately she felt more awake. As she glanced over she noticed there was an unfolded blanket on the sofa. “Did you sleep on the couch?” She instantly felt horrible about not arranging for a comfortable place for him to rest. 

He just shrugged and polished off the toast in his hand, “Not stress, I’m used to it.” 

She bit her bottom lip, feeling guilty. She didn’t even know how to make it up to him. “Did you want to come to the photo-shoot with me?” 

He frowned, considering her offer. Although it would be nice to have him at her work, he might be uncomfortable or bored and god knows what kind of media attention it could attract. “I got a good start on a song I’m working on. I might hang back and get it finished.” 

Nodding, she shoved some bread into the toaster for herself and sighed. It was probably for the best that he didn’t come along but it brought back memories of their photo-shoot in LA and how well they’d worked together. She missed their professional compatibility. 

She spent the next half an hour getting ready, making sure she looked professional and enthusiastic. Just as she was slipping on her black flats she heard the door knock, knowing it would be Mark here to pick her up. To save fuel, they drove to the city together. Before she could even yell out that she’d answer it, she heard the door open. 

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