36 : nostalgic

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(11:09 PM)

Lisa's Point of View

I am now lying in my bed inside my old bedroom while hugging a pillow since its night. This is my old room since I was a kid. It was actually small. All the furnitures are still the same as it was.

There are no cobwebs and dust to be seen from the corners of the wall of the room, I'm pretty sure mom cleans it. I feel nostalgic, remembering what am i doing when i was just a kid.

Its been exactly two weeks today since i got here. Of course I spent most of my time with my family. We went to a lot of places in this city that i miss and took photos all of them using my polaroid. I feel like i'm also a tourist here right now.

My dad also teach me to cook few new recipes, i made a lot of mistakes at first but that was fun. I like spending my time with my mom and dad. It's making me happy.

Meanwhile, Jimin told me to take my time and enjoy while i am still here and he would not disturb me.

Oh i forgot i need to call Jimin!!

I hurriedly grab my phone from the bed side table and dialed his number. Its eleven in Korea but here its nine. After calling him, i decided to check my social media for a while since I'm not yet sleepy, Jisoo eonni post a lot of picture of me in her account. I'm sure she miss me.

The reason why i went to South Korea is to continue my dancing career there. Me and Jimin were on the same dance group before and that's how we've met each other.

We become close friends. He knows how to dance contempory and also modern. I was so amazed when i saw him dance cause he is so good. He also know how to sing. Actually he has a potential to be an idol.

I quit from the dance group.
I have change my mind so that is why i'm only working in Jisoo eonni's cafe now.

Well, i still love dancing though. Jimin quit too because his dad says that he needs to focus more on their company cause he will manage it soon.

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