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The rest of the day after the photoshoot goes relatively well. We pick up a couple burgers from mcdonalds on the way back to his house for lunch, actually talk a bit in the car, and end up laughing about something the driver had said as we walk in. Somehow the air had lightened between us, not by much, but it had lightened.

The photoshoot had taken up most of the day and by the time we get back, it's nearing 5. And I'm not too fond of the idea of continuing with the interview, I've gotten enough for today and I'm exhausted as it is.

Tanner holds the door as I make my way in, picking up his pace to catch up to me after I'm inside.

"Do you have someone picking you up or should I call someone?" He asks, scratching at his head. Yesterday I had called a taxi but learned quickly that it was a very short drive and that LA taxis are expensive as crap.

"I can walk, that's fine."

"It's getting late, are you sure?" He asks, handing me my jacket from the rack. I left it here earlier by accident and it led to this reoccurrence now. "I could easily get a driver on it. Or, better yet, I could just drive you."

"No, seriously, I'll be fine. It's not far, I need the exercise." I make excuses, smiling at him gently as I brush past him towards the door. "Thank you, though. That's sweet of you to offer."

"No problem. See you tomorrow then?" He stays at the doorframe as I back away, hugging the fur of my jacket tighter to my body. It was freezing out, I don't care how you put it. I just don't understand how it can be so hot in the day and like this at night.

"Yep, definitely, tomorrow." I say, grinning back at him now. He looks good, I find myself thinking. In a grey t-shirt and jeans, I never knew someone could look so great in something so simple.

"Be safe," he calls and raises a hand in an awkward wave before turning back towards the doorframe, hands in pockets. I smile in return and let myself watch the door close, then burry my chin into my jacket, and watch my smile grow absently.
The next morning is a free day for a Tanner except for an interview later in the day in preparation for the following AMA's preformance he'll be giving tomorrow. I'm brought straight to the interview when I arrive at his house unexpectant that he isn't there.

He meets me at the gate, smiling his signature crooked grin that he usually gives off in public as he approaches.

"Taylor," He says, opening his arms and wrapping me in a lingering hug. It takes me so off guard I hesitate to hug back. Without thinking, I relax almost instantly but not without confusion. It feels so right to be in his embrace, and he smells so good. My senses are running rampid when I realize that there's a reporter behind him smiling.

I knew this wasn't real, it's just feeding his reputation as such a good guy. I instantly pull back. "Who's this?" The woman asks, thin eyebrows arched dramatically.

"Oh, this is Taylor, she's a reporter for the LA Scoop. She's doing a article on me, we also knew eachother awhile back," he sends what he thinks to be a discreet wink to her and I shift uncomfortably in confusion. We didn't date or have any kind of relationship that could lead to him sending a wink to the lady. The move itches at my stomach.

"Hi," I force a smile, extending my hand. "Nice to meet you. Taylor Swift."

"Oh, I'm sorry, I'm Sonya Montoya. I'm doing the interview for E! News," She explains, accepting my handshake. "Nice to meet you as well."

"Shall we get started?" She adds, gesturing to the couch nearest to the window.

"Definitely," Tanner nods several times, still nodding as he glances from me to the woman. Something amusing is in his eye, like he has something he's hiding or something he has an upper advantage on that I don't know about. Either way, I don't have time to try to find out what that is before she starts walking and I'm forced to follow.

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