Trial and Tribulation

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That night in particular was something to write home about. It was probably one of my favorite nights I've had with Tanner, especially because after we finished up with the fishing, he led me down to the beach where there was a blanket with candles set out and everything. So we fell asleep talking that night, to the sound of water hitting the shore and an endless blanket of darkness stretching out in front of our eyes.

We've been officially dating for a couple weeks now actually, and it's been great, don't get me wrong, it's just I understand now why he was trying to appease Quincy with Monica. He's been relentless about me and how much I'm with Tanner in public. Take for example, for one, I cannot be known at any media event he's scheduled at. Try to write a article when you're not actually doing your job by following him around. Not that it's lacking or anything, I'm pretty close to being done and I still have a month left in my time limit given.

Anyway, it's easiest to get all that out when I'm talking to Ed, which I've upgraded to every night now. It usually happens at around 11 until, like, midnight or later. And we talk about nearly everything, more or less Tanner. He was extremely protective when I told him we were dating and about our little date. Shocked, but nonetheless protective. He still doesn't trust Tanner, doesn't think he's the same person he was while I'm pretty sure I've been brainwashed to think he is. Everything he does to me right now is golden, it's like he can't do a thing wrong, and I know that I shouldn't let that happen because with that comes blind love, and that's not always a good thing. I couldn't see his flaws before he left too, and look where that left me.

Whatever the case may be, I'm talking to Ed now, going on about the latest on Tanner and I's relationship while he tries to ease me off the topic and onto guitars and music. Also while I'm doing my nails on my hotel bed, my laptop open next to me although I haven't used it to revise my work in a couple hours now.

"... I mean it wasn't such a big guitar, I think it was like a 6 string or something," Ed says on the other end, the static of his tv cutting into words from the background.

"Are you even listening to what I was saying?"

"Yes, yes, Taylor, I heard you," He mocks, then picks up a high-pitched voice trying to match mine. "He's such a hunk, Ed, such a sexy beast, I wish I could just have him now!"

"You're a jerk! I did not and who even was that voice because that sure as hell isn't me," I laugh into the phone.

"Please, we all know you were thinking it."

"Shut up," I giggle again, attempting to balance the phone between my shoulder and ear so I can paint the always illusive right hand. I swear I'm going to drop the brush one of these days and it's going to suck. Especially taking into account the red coloring and that you can't just wash it out of the comforter.

"Alright, well, better get to bed, I have class in the morning. Call you same time tomorrow?" He says, a brief yawn taking up his last sentence.

"You got it, buddy, love youu!" And with that, I hang up, only to be interupted by a knock at the door a second later. Okay, come on, any other time than midnight when my nails have yet to dry. I mean I'd understand if it was in the morning by someone that works for the hotel but who the heck is visiting this late, even if they have the wrong room.

I walk on my heels on the way over to the door, not letting the nail polish on my toes touch the carpet whatsoever. I swear I've had dreams like this. Someone's at the door late and you're trapped in your room with wet nail polish on your toes so it's tough to run if it's someone sent to kill you. See, this is exactly what you end up thinking if you watch crime shows into the wee hours of the night.

I check the peephole before attempting the door, and seeing a fisheyed form of Tanner, I quickly open it. He paces the hall, stopping short in his pass when I open the door.

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