Too Long

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It's not that I'm nervous about Tanner meeting Ed again, it's just that I don't know how he's going to take to him. All I know is I have to ease him into it, later today, of course, right now I'm with Tanner, back in the field. He's laying on a low-hanging limb just above my head as i rest against the base.

We're talking lazily, too caught up in just the mellow atmosphere to break the silence with a full fledge conversation. He's on his back, his feet against the trunk, one hand hanging limply down, every so often swinging it to get my attention.

"Tell me you love me," I yawn, resting my head back once more. His head falls to the side, drowsily casting a slow smile across his cheeks.

"I love you. I love you so much," He says, a serious expression set behind a smile. "I always have, it just took me awhile to realize it."

"Look at you, being all cheesy and smooth," I laugh, throwing a piece of the grass i was tying into knots at him. "Proud of you."

He looks me over, eyes catching the light of the midmorning sky. It's only 10AM, we had left as soon as we finished breakfast, and I don't plan on going home until dinner because of everything that's gonna go down today. Ed, and I'm planning on bringing Tanner to see Ms. Wilde. I don't care what happened, Tanner is the one blocking her out. He's to blame, and he needs to make that up to her.

I stand, though, crossing my arms and walking the short distance to where he rests. He grins up at me, and a flash of a younger version of him like this catches me by surprise. Back when I couldn't see over this branch because of my height. I hadn't hit my growth spurt until i was 10 and when that happened, i shot up and i currently reside at a very mountainous 5'11, which i get sick of. "How's the weather up there" yup. "Hey taylor who's at the end of hallway" had it. Of course, my 12 year old self would sadly result to stupid comebacks such as "your mom" or "slightly cloudy, now screw off Jimmy". It was just something i had to deal with, but the good thing was I actually didn't look like a misfit when i was with Tanner. He was also pretty tall, taller than me, and he was obviously looked upon as some kind of angel because he was 6'0 in high school. Played basketball, football, baseball, and balanced it all while also singing. He was the definition of every girls dream guy, and I was his best friend.

As if to shove it in the memory's face, I lean down and kiss him softly, pulling away and letting a satisfied grin taint my lips.

"Dang," He murmurs under his breath and I smirk.

"See! You're using dang again, welcome back to Tennessee, Cali Boy," I say, patting his shoulder and beginning to walk off, knowing he'll follow.

"Where are you going?"

"Oh, I'm going to go say hi to your mom, if you'd like to come along," I barely turn around except a quick glance to see him sitting up on the branch now, staring at me as i walk.

"Taylor, you know I cant," He shouts after me, though I hear him stand. I don't say another word, just put my index finger up and gesture to come along, and continue walking, and I know he'll come, because I know I have that boy wrapped around my thumb, as he has me in the same way.

"Ms. Wilde!" I exclaim as she appears at the glass doorway, opening it immediately and wrapping me in one of her signature hugs. She's such a sweet lady, I don't know how Tanner could ever block her out.

"Taylor, sweetie, how are you? How was LA?" She asks, smiling widely.

"Great, um," I glance behind me to see Tanners' form barely peaking around the side of the house. "There's someone I think you'd like to see. Tanner?"

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