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"Babe, you coming?" I call out, bringing my sunglasses down from the top of my head. Today is the day I go back home, coincidentally, Tanner decided a couple nights ago that he was going with me. He had promised me, after all, to go back one, and as he said, he was ready, and honestly, we weren't ready to be away from each other when we really didn't have to be. So Tanner cleared his schedule for 2 weeks, the amount of time it'll take to see if I got the job, and is going down with me. I don't exactly know how everyone is going to take to him. I'd assume he'd be welcomed like a hero but there's always some that are bitter from success, such as I would have been had none of this had happened. Instead of that bitterness, there's love replacing that feeling, and I cannot be more grateful for that. And then there's his mom, who has been out of his life for a good while now, who knows how he will react. Not to mention Ed, I'll have to approach that situation carefully.

There's jumbled footsteps before Tanner appears, holding a stuffed duffle bag in one hand and one of my other ones in his other. I had moved from my hotel room to Tanner's house two days ago after my time ran out, so i essentially stayed for extra days but I couldn't leave without saying goodbye to Tyler. It was brief, but sweet, and he didn't seem mad at all, just- i don't know, you could see how much he wanted to move in to kiss me when i hugged him. He couldn't be just friends with me, he cared about me, and I honestly think he loved me, or could have, but i cut it off and it made me wonder if i did the wrong thing. But my mind is made up every night when i come home to Tanner who greets me with a prolonged kiss and a promise to talk about everything that happened that day. I did the right thing by Tanner, and I can't regret that decision.

The plane ride is alright, i mean Tanner's good company when I'm bored to talk to or to just watch a movie with. It's a lot better than the alternate of him not coming with me. Plus, even when i daze off into staring out the window at the clouded horizon where all i see is a pinkish color sunset across the sky, i can still feel his hand stay on my knee, his fingers lining up with mine and not moving even after one of us falls asleep.

We arrive nearing 6:45 and once we get through baggage and everything, we head down to the floor I'd meet my parents once more, and, hopefully, Austin. He had promised to come but you never know with Austin, he could tell you something but then something else more important comes up. Usually, if its really important, like something involving me, he's there.

I hadn't invited Ed, or, frankly, told him i was coming home today. I'm hoping to surprise him, and the less confrontation he has with Tanner, the better. Who knows how he'll react.

"You good?" Tanner asks as we board the escalator bringing us down to the meeting area. I nod and intertwine our fingers tightly. I'm happy to see them, of course, but I'm nervous. I had told my mom about Tanner, but i hadn't told her he was coming home with me. I know I should, it's just that I'm nervous what she and my dad thinks of him, Austin more than that. Austin always kept an eye on Tanner, always tried to be friendly and brotherly when he was around but would question what we did when he was gone. I cant imagine what his attitude towards him will be now after he left.

"I should be asking you that," I smile at him, oblivious to the fact we've way passed the first moment to be able to see my parents. "So, are you?"

"We'll see," He says, then turns back to face the small group standing in front. Mom, dad, and surprisingly, Austin, stands holding a couple balloons and a whiteboard reading 'Our beautiful daughter'.

"Austin!" I scream. As soon as the escalator ends, I'm catapulting myself into Austin's big arms. He seems so much bigger than me, even as my older brother, i feel short and small in his arms, like how i would when i was little and got scared during a thunderstorm when only dad was home and would sleep through everything. We had this room we shared until the time we were 10, one side decorated the way I liked it and the other side as he did. Anyway, I'd always get scared of thunderstorms and Austin would always wake up impulsively when it got really loud and just read a book to me or just play a board game or a story or something. Those are some of the best memories I have with Austin, and I miss those times.

"Hey," Austin laughs, rubbing my arm, still hugging me close to his chest. I haven't seen Austin in forever, and just to see him makes me realize how much i missed him.

"How are you?" I pull away from his hug to smile at him, pulling at the sleeve of my sweater to cover my shoulder where it had slipped.

"I'm good, how about you, miss hollywood? How was Cali?"

"Amazing, I'll tell you all about it later, i promise,"

"You better. I have to go back tonight though, i have a test on Thursday so i'll only have a day to study,"

"What? You're staying for dinner, though, right?" I say, giving a short glance over at Tanner, who's shaking my dads' hand and talking calmly with my mom, but it's enough to give it away to Austin, who nods to the right at Tanner, mouthing 'whats with him' and quirking an eyebrow.

I mouth back a 'boyfriend, don't worry' and watch his expression darken, and he scowls.

"Taylor," He says in his best, big-brotherly, scolding voice.

"You don't know him, Austin, let it go," I pat his chest and hurry onto mom and dad, hugging them both tightly and exchanging a few words before i catch Tanner and Austin mid-conversation.

"..yeah, it was crazy," Austin says, pushing his hair from his face.

"You'll have to show me around sometime, man, I'd love to see the campus," Tanner grins.

"Any time," He smiles, then realizes the rest of the group watching them in awe. It wasn't that I'm surprised they're getting along rather they're getting along this fast. Austin isn't quick for this type of thing, so Tanner must be on the fast track or something.

"Y'all ready for dinner? I have a good home cooked meal for you guys. Taylor's favorite," Mom says, smiling warmly at me.

"Yeah, Andrea's been cooking all day. I'm sure you're both hungry," Dad adds, looking from Tanner and me, and then back again.

"Yes sir," Tanner speaks up, rubbing at his stomach. "I've sure missed Tennessee cookin'."

"I'm sure you have, but don't you worry, we've got you covered now, Tanner." Mom winks, then starts to usher us forward towards the doors along with the flow of others. I walk next to Tanner, our hands too full with pillows and suitcases to touch, but we brush occasionally, usually in form of accidentally bumping each other.

"So, go on, how was LA? How did the article go?"

Rapid fire questions. Typical in this house, and if you don't answer, it gets repeated until you answer it, and that is why it's easiest to just spill.

"It was great, yeah. The article also went good, the topic was a little bit sketchy but," I pause to smile at Tanner, keeping my eyes locked on his. "He was great."

He smiles back, a soft kind of spreading smile i love about him. I'm sure we're being stared at the way parents do when they're witnessing their kids' falling for someone. Except I've already fallen for Tanner, this is just the part where he catches me.

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