Breaking It Off

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••Taylor's POV

I don't know what to say. I mean, what do you say when you're breaking up with a guy that you were never actually together with for no good reason? I chose Tanner, if that's any correlation. I'm not exactly sure why yet, or why I chose the fighting and the tears over the overall bonding and lax atmosphere. I guess it's because I missed that kind've thing, it's a lot like a song I wrote about no one in particular when I was about 15 or 16. It was called The Way I Loved You, and it was about this guy who was great, who was sweet and altogether a great person, but I missed that trial and anguish that wasn't evident in the other relationship. I missed the crying and screaming, but I also missed the makeups, or, as it says in the song, kissing in the rain.

That was a popular concept to me. It was a stereotypical romantic situation for some reason, but for some reason, my 15 year old self, took that as a makeup situation. But it was true, even though at the time I simply wrote it just because, but now the irony has set in perfectly. Because I do miss Tanner, I miss the imperfectly perfect love story we have together and I miss how happy we are together when we aren't fighting. I mean, sure, it's tough, but that's what relationships are suppose to be. They aren't a walk in the park, even though some may seem like they may be. Tyler, for example, is sensible, and Ed is an advocate for him. But, after all, he absolutely roots for any guy other than Tanner nowadays after he heard about our fight about him.

Tyler's sweet, and I can't help but feel guilty about what I have to do right now. He's picking me up for what he thinks is a date, and don't worry, I already cleared it with Tanner so he won't be walking past and have another freak out. He's doing an interview tonight at Jimmy Fallon anyway, which I'm not sure if I'll have time to catch live, but I have it recorded.

His truck pulls up, an old Chevy that looks like it's been passed down a few generations, and cuts off the engine, hopping out of the drivers side.

"Hey, how are you?" He asks, coming around the trunk to open my door for me. I blush and climb in, letting him work on closing the door that seems to fall open every time he tries to close it.

"Sorry," he looks up, grinning through the open window, then gives it another good slam, a click signaling it locking in place. "There we go."

He rounds the truck as I laugh, watching him closely and trying not to slip back into the daydream once again. Instead of what I'm use to him wearing, tonight he looks more dressed up, at least for him. He wears a neat collared shirt, a few buttons open to reveal his chest with black pants. Although a black zipup is strewn across the back seat sloppily. His hair, though, is still particularly messy, the way I grew fond of. But that doesn't matter now, even though I can't help watching him as he gets settled in his seat and secures his seatbelt.

He settles back and looks over at me, his eyes roaming across mine, and then to my dress. It's nothing fancy, just a black flowery one, but he looks as if I'm going to a ball. I took no extra measures tonight, because of the sole reason of why I'm doing this. And it hurts more that he looks so nervous and dressed up because this, of course, is a date, as he had implied when I had called asking if he wanted to go out earlier yesterday.

"You look beautiful," He says, driving a hand through his hair. I swallow and force a tight grin, keeping my gaze away from him and focusing on my lap. I shouldn't have to do this, he's a great guy to just have his sweet heart broken for no good reason. Even though we weren't officially dating, it felt like it. We hadn't kissed since Tanner showed up not yesterday but the night before that, we had hung out three night straight after that and pretty much every occasion we spent at least half the time kissing eachother. It wasn't such a relationship type that required kissing consistently, it was just that he was so good at it. Like, we'd be just talking about a deep subject or something and one of us would just feel the need to lean in and then we'd be kissing for 5 minutes. It just happened, and it didn't seem to bother either of us, so it just kept happening.

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