Back On Track

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I spend the morning by myself, as I tend to do usually when Tanner's busy. Instead of the typical routine of going out to take pictures on the beach or the scenery, I spend it looking around the hotel and small shops. It's surprising how little I've actually seen given the time I've been here. For example, theres a little antique shop just around the corner that I didn't find until a week ago. Also, I pass a restaurant I find interesting, one called 'Damon's', and I note to go back later.

The streets are pretty active but altogether it seems quiet. People sit on their balconies that rest above shops or at coffee shops that protrude onto the sidewalk. Others sit on benches, waiting for who knows what to arrive, smoking a cigarette against their lips before letting it fade across it a grey haze against their face. It's calming, even with the noise, and it just makes me appreciate the city even more. Across the street lies the beach, cabanas and lifeguards set up along the beach. The thought sends me back to Tyler, and what went down last night, and I put my head down until I well clear the beach entrance.

I walk past a little shop that's labeled Daphne's Shirts and Antiques, pausing a moment to look at the sweaters behind the glass. They look hand-sewn, and every price was well under what I'd expect they be charging. Besides, I am absolutely taken by a beige, wool sweater nearest to the doorway. With a quick glance around to make sure I didn't mess up anyone's path, I walk into the shop, careful not to trip on anything like I usually do. You got to be careful, man, long legs can seriously injure.

I start browsing through a rack for the sweater, my eyes skimming around the cute little store briefly. It's not huge, but the silence gives it an appeal that it's bigger than it actually is. I like it though, it's cute, well-put together.

"Hi," I turn around slightly to find the voice. It settles on a girl about my age, long brown hair curls down her back in ringlets, and she wears a white tanktop that brings out a certain green in her eyes. "Could I help you?"

"Nah, I'm just looking- well, actually, do you have any more of those sweaters you're advertising out front?"

"Yeah, of course. I think they're over here," She walks to the side of the shop, nearest to the window, where I had failed to look originally. "Yup, here they are."

"Thank you so much, they're so pretty," I say, turning the price tag to read the same price as the ones advertised. "Do you make them?"

"Oh, no, my grandma does. She's amazing at it, and they're just the best in the fall when you're just on the couch snuggled up with a good book and a coffee."

"Oh my gosh, yes. You get me!" I laugh, grabbing two sweaters, the beige one and then a light red one, and heading around to the front desk.

"23.45. Cash or credit?"

"Credit." I say, handing her my card and glancing around the shop. "I'm Taylor, by the way."

"Swift," She adds, looking down at the name that pops up, and I nod. "License please."

"I suppose you're Daphne then," I conclude as I flip my wallet around to show my horrible drivers license picture as a 16 year old.

"No, actually that's my grandma. I'm Rebecca, but you can call my Becca."

"Well, nice to meet you," I smile, accepting the receipt and bag from her. She seems sweet and I haven't really had a girl friend around here, or, to think about it, I've never really had a close girl friend. But Rebecca seems sweet, and the least I can do is have a lunch with her sometime in my last week.

"You too. Come back soon, we can grab lunch!"

"Definitely!" I say, then turn, offering a short wave before walking out, my focus drifting into the stream of human traffic walking along the boardwalk. Everything's beautiful here, I don't see it much, but no ones truly angry walking these streets. There's some sadness, but the happiness overpowers that along the streets.

A buzzing brings me back to reality, and I check my phone, pulling it out and pressing it to my ear after seeing it was Tanner.

"How would you like the rest of the day to be spent with me and only me?" He says quickly as soon as I answer.

"What? Did I win a contest?" I grin, walking as I talk. There's something that catches my eye, something I hadn't expected to see, that makes to frown slightly near the opposing sidewalk. A paparazzi, just one in view, sits perched near a building, taking pictures of me continuously. I automatically look around me, looking for actual celebrities but there's not, and it makes me somewhat paranoid.

"I'll have food ordered in, and we can have a night all to ourselves," There's something lulling in that sentence, and I find myself smiling subconciously. We need this, we haven't had something like this in what seems like forever.

"That sounds wonderful."

"Great, should I pick you up or do you want to meet me over here?"

"How about we have lunch over here? There's an adorable restaurant I haven't tried near the hotel,"

"Sure. I'll meet you over there. Hey, I love you."

I laugh. "Love you too, see you then, bye."

I end up getting to the restaurant a little later, partly because I didn't know how long it'd take Tanner to get over here, and because I spent the rest of my time shopping in that antique shopped I first passed because I was trying to decide on this lamp. Like, I know it shouldn't be such a big deal, but I was going to buy it for Tanner. I know that sounds stupid, like who gets their boyfriend a lamp, but it's a very cute lamp, you have to understand. And I want to get him something since he's always giving me stuff.

So I buy the cute little antique lamp and bring it back to my room before going back to Damon's, purse in tow. I swear I'm getting a heck of a workout today, and I'm not accustomed to it. I've worked out a good bit since I came here after I joined that Gold's Gym up the street, but I didn't really run because I hate running with a passion. So I end up during something other than running at the gym.

I find him at a seat in the back, close to where a buffet style bar is set up in the option if you wanted a buffet or just a simple meal to your table. He sits back in the booth, one arm strewn across the backing, and he smiles at me, a lopsided smile that crooks at one side.

"Hey," He says as I slide into the side across the him. He's wearing a button-down flannel, his hair in his usual quiff.

"Hey, sorry I'm late, I was looking around."

"What'd you find? Anything interesting?" He leans his elbows on the table and moves forward to imitate my usual stance.

"Actually, yes. I got a few sweaters, a new wallet because my other one kept getting holes in it, and I got you a present," I say the last part under my breath.

"What was that? A present?"

"Oh, yeah, you're going to love it," I nod suggestively, trying to throw him off just a bit. It's fun to mess with him just enough to throw him off his game.

"Oh yeah?" He raises an eyebrow.

"Mhm." I lean across the table and kiss him. It's quick but holds a lot of weight, and I pull away smiling wider than I thought I could.

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