Free Day

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Honestly, waking up next to a shirtless Tanner was probably one of the last things I would have expected this time yesterday. Well, not the last thing but I just wasn't expecting it. I hadn't even expected him to be shirtless when we had both fallen asleep, he still had a shirt on. It now rests at the end of the messy bed that's became of the room. Tanner kicked off most of the covers and is sprawled hopelessly over me, my head suffocatingly close to his chest. I feel so small in his arms and with every limb strewn around me, it makes me have to be smaller.

I stir alittle, trying to gain a little space but a soft groan tells me I didn't succeed. He tightens his grip and his chin rests on the top of my head. I stifle a laugh into his chest.

"Tanner," I murmur. "Suffocating here."

He stirs and releases his grip, a soft sigh escaping his lips as he glances down at me and smiles. I wiggle slightly away, just enough so I can actually see him instead of his chin. He looks cute, despite just waking up. His lips look slightly pink and chapped, and his hair is tousled in all different direction.

"Oh, sorry. Morning," He says, his voice abnormally raspy which just add to my original statement about how cute he looks. He leans down, gently kissing me.

I keep my eyes closed but keep smiling absently. "Goodmorning."

"But no kissing before I brush my teeth because that's just not right," I grin. He frowns and leans down anyway, pecking my lips a few times before raising an eyebrow at me. "Whoa, not cool."

He pauses again, just looking at me unwavering, so I continue. "I don't remember you taking off your shirt before you fell asleep."

"I got hot during the night. I mean, I usually sleep completely naked," He exaggerates, making a face and nodding slowly. "It's true. But I compromised because we just started dating."

"Thanks for that, must've been hard." I mock, poking at his chest. He frowns, then smiles slightly, his eyes following a line from my collarbone up to my eyes.

"Hey," He shifts up on the bed so he sets a elbow on the pillow to talk. I do the same, imitating his position purposefully.

"Hey," I butt in, glaring back at him, a smirk playing on my lips.

He ignores me. "hey, what do you want to do today?"

"Mmm, well I have a free day, I don't know about you," I shrug one shoulder.

"That's a coincidence, so do I,"

"Oh, do you? Nice for you." I say, smirking. "What do you plan on doing with your free day?"

"I might see what my girlfriend's doing," He wiggles his eyebrows on cue and I laugh. "What are you doing again?"

"I was thinking of exploring. Maybe hitting the beach, taking some pictures. It is my first time in California, and I haven't seen anything yet."

"Sounds good." He says, leaning closer and brushing our lips together. "I'm in."

"I don't remember inviting you," I murmur against his lips. "But that's okay. I guess you can come along."

We kiss for a slow moment, the distant droning of the news on in the background from the show we were watching last night acts as a backdrop.

"I'd like that,"

"Bet you would."

"So, what first? Beach or sight seeing?" Tanner asks, swinging our hands rhythmically. We're walking up the boardwalk along the beach, street performers and palm trees lining the way. It's truly beautiful here, the sun beating down from a clear, blue sky. It feels perfect out today too, a lot cooler than it has the past week, but still with California's heat.

"Let's do sightseeing, and then we can come back here later in the day," I suggest, grinning over at him. I think we both have spotted the paparazzi by now. They're not making a huge scene, thankfully, but I think people have taken notice. A few people have stopped Tanner for a picture, but mainly, it hasn't been horrible or anything. No mobs, at least.

"Sounds good to me," He smiles back. He had also cleaned up pretty well from this morning. Like me, he had his bathingsuit on already, except mine was under and he had his shorts on already. He's also wearing a sunset tanktop, but you wouldn't know it based on the looks he's getting. I know he's famous but he's not getting stopped or pictures taken of him more than just being checked out. And I can't say I've noticed it this much before. But right now, I can definitely see how people could be so drawn to him. It's surprising me how much I am as well now, I want to be the only one he wants, and as selfish as that is, I can't help feeling that way. It makes me feel like a fan, and I probably am now, but just more so at the moment.

"What's on your list?"

"I was thinking maybe hiking up to the Hollywood sign, and maybe head over to the walk?"

"With the stars?" I bounce a little on my heels as we go, beaming over at him. He nods in turn, keeping his pace steady even though I'm probably holding him up. He doesn't seem to mind though, he's probably gotten use to my obnoxious happiness through all these years. But it takes getting use to, and I'm sure he's a little out of touch, of course. But hey, we have a year to catch up on. For him, a very eventful, exciting year. For me... the opposite. I don't exactly feel like telling him about blocking him out and spending all my time taking pictures or working. Also the subject of Ed hasn't come up yet, which is surprising considering we text most nights, if one of us doesn't call first. I miss him, I'm not going to lie. He says that he's basically here whenever I need him but that's still not here. It's always better when there's Ed to back you up on it.

We spend the rest of the day hiking, taking pictures, buying those reusable cameras and taking stupid pictures of eachother wearing street glasses that little store owners have set up along the street, and even spot a couple advertisements for Tanner's album and another for his upcoming visit to Jimmy Kimmel Live. I made him get a picture in front of both, just for good measure.

It's a fun day, especially with wrapping up the day on the beach, our feet buried in the sand in front of us, and the distant sound of music blends into the waves drumming into the beach rhythmically. It's the perfect end to one of the best days I've had with Tanner, and I couldn't possibly ask for any more than that.

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