[17] The Dying Vale

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Wess woke the rest of the companions just before the sun easterned. They decided that in order to increase their pace they all needed their own Kudaki steeds. Anyu's spirited tones shattered the silence and Wess smiled in amazement as a group of six lizards came running to the Ranger's beckoning song. In moments, the lounge of Kudaki rallied around Anyu who greeted them with laughter and the kindness of a loving mother.

"Choose one, Wess," said Anyu, "and you Otees. Place your head next to theirs to assure you will not harm them. Pet them gently and speak slowly."

Wess looked for the speediest of the bunch and saw her. She bore smooth yellow scales with spots of dark orange. No spikes, or fins were present, which indicated their gender. He approached her like he would a horse with a bit of edible cactus in his hand. "Here girl. That's for you. I'm your new friend, ya?" The lizard took the cactus greedily. "Yes. You and I will be great pals." He petted her along her surprisingly smooth neck and her black tail whipped to and fro. "Dawn will be a fitting name if that's fine with you." He slipped his bit of rope in his mount's mouth and lept upon her back. The lizard reared for a moment, then settled down. "There," said Wesley. "That a girl."

"Otees," Anyu called. "Your turn."

Otis moved to the remaining Kudaki, smoothed his long, black hair and beard. He knelt before them and outstretched his tough Dwarven hands. At first he was ignored. Finally, a white male with copper hash marks scattered about its scales nuzzled Otis' head and hand. Its head fin was tall and copper and shined in the sun. "Har! Well then. You're on a mighty quest now, aren't you? I will dub you Thûndar Bäba, which in the words of my folk means Child of the Storm. Thûndar will do for a call name." Otis placed his rope loop into the Kudaki's mouth and climbed her gingerly. "Yes, you will do nicely."

"Come then," Anyu beckoned. "The Outlanders will leave their camp at first light. We should be gone from here soon. We must leave false trails to throw them off, for they are good trackers."

They covered their tracks best they could and cleaned the camp so it looked like it was never there. They rode north single file with the sea in the distance on their left and the rising sun on their right. They bounded through the Red Wastes with ease on their Kudakis. They climbed steep cliffs and lept short chasms. The companions grew more and more used to their lizard mounts and they were ever thankful for not having to traverse the unforgivable landscape on foot.

After noon time, they came to the summit of a great mountain top that looked like the gods chopped it flat for a picnic. They dismounted and greedily emptied their water flasks. It was so hot that Wess thought he could crack a quails egg on the hard ground and fry it. The air smelled fresh and the breeze was rejuvenating compared to ground level.

From this height they could see all around. To the west was the Black ocean. South, the red rock wastes and deep blue sky looked like an artists' painting. To the east lay more red rock formations that transitioned to yellow dunes of sand off in the far distance. Anyu pointed to the north where rolling brown hills like waves of the sea lay before them. "There. The Dying Vale. Water runs in the creeks of these hills, but we cannot drink it without Kayla's magic cleaning."

"What happened here?" Kayla asked. Her eyes pitied the land before her.

"The Old Rangers say the Dying Vale was once a land of deep green and home of great hunting," Anyu explained. "The finest herds grazed here and the herders raised the cleanest of meats. Great ranches there were. Then the war broke out and it became a battlefield. Wizard Magic. Dragon's fire. Demon's rage. Nothing grows here. Nothing lives here." Rainseeker bucked to her hind feet, then settled back down. "Easy now." She urged the mount forward down the mountain and the others followed. "We must wait until nightfall to cross the vale, or the Giants will see us coming. They will not take our trespass lightly. It is not like old times. Their skirmishes here on the southern border with the Outlanders have made them suspicious of all. Now they even attack us Rangers out of the fear in their minds." Anyu narrowed her eyes and hardened her mouth. One hand raked strands of auburn hair not held back in braids. Then she spotted what she was looking for. She pointed to an opening in the forest to the north east. "There is the old trade route." She turned to the rest of the companions. "If we are not to go by sea..."

The Hollow Grove: The Companions [Book 2]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin