[47] Darkstalker

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Pteramax, the Elder god, sat on his throne dubbed Yalimdahl, (Timebender to the mortal tongue), contemplating the very existence of his creation below.

Such a small blue dot, he thought. Perhaps I should just wipe it clean and start over?

The mere idea of that drained him. It took him eons to muster up this world and it may take longer to recreate a new one.

He stood and gazed outward. The light of distant stars sparkled around them. Swirls of red, blue, and green nebula made a backdrop for limitless far-off galaxies. He examined a few of them, moving even closer to one far-off planet. The planet-wide storm he amassed still raged through the barren, pocketed landscape. He relished in its beauty for a time, then his focus fell on his duties at hand.

Before him knelt the first of his Arameth, though they preferred to be called his 'children' when not in his presence.

Pteramax spoke. "Long has it been since you walked among the Mindful. With your time back among them, I hope you are reminded of your creations and your responsibilities."

The eyes of the fiery haired Dwarf dared not meet his creator. His voice waited in silence.

The Eldergod moved to a silver two-tray scale, each step a crack of thunder. "I see the world is not quite balanced. They tip in their favor."

"Dakadihm's ploys are no match for the light, my lord," said Panadahe.

Pteramax grew amused with the on-going sibling rivalry. "Your brother's 'ploys,' as you call them, are fair play. You grew complacent."

Panadahe agreed. "I did, my lord. Though it shall not happen again."

"Let us hope not."

The god of creation held his breath as he thought.

"I release you from your imprisonment," said the Eldergod, "do not make me regret it."


Anyu caught Wess outside the Kudaki pen feeding Dawn slices of Sabu fruit.

"How is she?" asked the Ranger?

"I think she's hungry," said Wess, his voice a bit hoarse. "Nearly taking off my fingertips." They shared a laugh.

"I'll make sure the stable tenders up their food," Anyu said. The Tushkar Bears might get rough if they did not get their morning and mid afternoon meals. "Remind me to introduce you to Softy"

"Would love to meet him," said the Faeling.

She stepped closer. "We're going up to investigate the tracks. You look like you could use a walk."

Wess rubbed Dawn's nose in farewell. "Think I could."

Haygen, Selene, and Anyu followed behind Otis and Wess. They let Wess take the lead and they passed through the northgate finding themselves at the scene of Wesley's injuries. The Druids picked up the Hobgoblin bodies and stripped their gear the morning of the attack. He stood at the pressed down grass with a blank stare.

Haygen took his mother by the hand and they walked over to the road so they could look at investigate sign still found in the dirt of the road.

"I should be out there tracking them too," said Haygen.

Anyu smiled. She watched as Selene placed an arm over her son's shoulder. "The Laquarrin are the best I've seen. Much better than me that's for sure."

"I've picked up a few things," said Haygen. "It would be fun to track with you again. Just an animal...not a killer, or Hobgoblin. Like before." They shared a smile.

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