[18] Here There Be Giants

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It was relief for the companions to be among the trees again, and fantastic ones they were. Thistle cones, queen's spruce, and white aspen grew among the towering white chaga trees.  Known to Men and Elf as giant whites, the thin bark of the chaga's massive trunks were often peeled for sheets of parchment.  They were once a treasure of the east among Men and Elf alike. 

Dym Chagath was the Land of Giants no longer for the white trees, but for the monsters who dwelled there.  The Giants who once fought side-by-side with the Dragons.  The scattered race could once be found all around the eastern lands before the war.  After the common folk sailed west for Lyborna, a leader rose among the Giants-Taryn Smallfoot.  He gathered what remained of their race and brought them to Dym Chagath where they make their home to this day.

Haygen's pristine moment was fleeting as a chunk of grey slate twice his size cut through the air and crashed in front of him. Slasher howled and leaped over the rock that jutted out of the trade road like an impromptu tombstone. The Half-orc held on for dear life as mount and rider jostled upon landing.

"Dag!" screamed Haygen.  "They're still after us!"

The trade road was littered with knee-high saplings and ferns, but the five Kudaki were able to carve through the overgrowth with ease.  However, their speed was no match for the Giants.  The four newcomers bore witness to many magical and wild things. They were no strangers to Goblins, Skeletons, Wizards, Sorcerers, and Ghosts. They saw a golden Dragon battle an undead Demon, something they knew had not happened for centuries. After all that, the sight of the four Giants didn't have the impact one would think. Yes, they were gigantic...as big as three stacked houses. But they just looked like big Men.  Dirt, grime, and moss covered their mottled skin.  Animal furs were crudely sewn together to make patchwork tunics and trousers that bore holes in all the wrong places.  The clubs they carried could smash limbs and crush skulls of the heartiest Orc.  Their faces weren't cruel, but bored.  The way they lumbered and lazily tossed chunks of stone gave the impression they were not trying to kill the trespassers, but were making a game by only wanting to squish them, or hit them for a score.  Grunts came when the next volley of rocks were hurled.

"Take cover!" yelled Otis.

The five Kudaki were reined in and the lizards dug their long claws into the damp earth to a halt.  They took cover behind the great chaga trees, two by two with Anyu in the lead.  Large boulders rolled by them, or hit the trees that shielded them.  The Ranger guide poked her head out and spoke.

"I am Anyu!  Ranger of the East!  The Order of Oaks has the blood pact with your leader, Taryn Smallfoot!  We are granted safe passage and all who travel with us!  Hold your attack!"

The apparent leader of the small band of border guards hefted his club and struck it against a nearby fir. He clove it in two with a loud crack.  "Taryn Smallfoot no want Rangers around."  His voice was hollow and old like a dried up well.  "Rangers no come to Old Chaga woods anymore...no need Rangers now."

Anyu shook her head in confusion.  What does he mean?  "Have faith that the Order still holds the pact.  You have my word!"

"Ranger words are quiet now.  Go back to red lands."  He signaled his three brothers to box in the intruders.

Again Anyu was puzzled, but there would be no dealing with these slow-brained Giants.  She thought for a moment and a plan came to her.  "Sorry, but our way lies elsewhere."  She backed Rainseeker up and caught the attention of Otis and Haygen who were closest.  She mouthed a word in silence, Follow.  The two friends nodded and passed their own hand signal down to Kayla and Wess.  She whispered to her mount, "Are you ready, boy?"  Rainseeker could feel the tension and responded to the words with a low crouch.  "Ha!" Anyu shouted and kicked her heels into the big red Kudaki.  The horned alpha made a quick snort and took off running between two of the Giants followed closely by the other four.  One Giant took a swing at her with his big, knurled club, but it thudded harmlessly into the earth.

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