Chapter one-fairy tails party

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For two months fairy tail has been celebrating the return of lisanna from edolas. The guild has been rowdy and taken little work. Lucy has rent due in a few weeks and she's short on cash.

Lucy hummed as she brushed her hair in her vanity mirror. It was a beautiful morning, as the birds were singing in the sunshine. Lucy smiled as she clipped her favorite hair pin, a small yellow butterfly, to her side ponytail.

She stood from her vanity, grabbed her keys; and left her small home heading towards the guild. She jumped onto the wall beside the water, summoning plue to her side. "Pun puunn." Nikolai said as he appeared from the spirit realm.

Lucy laughed as she continued on her path to the guild. "Hey! Luce!" Lucy turned to see natsu and happy heading her way. She waved her arm in the air. "Hey natsu, happy!" She exclaimed with a smile. A small blush formed on her cheeks as she glanced at natsu. She has had a crush on him ever since he saved her life from bora.

Natsu and happy joined Lucy's side just as they entered the guild. The guild members were as rowdy as ever, throwing chairs and tables about the room. Lucy ducked as she entered narrowly escaping a chair that whacked natsu in the face.

"Alright who threw that!?" Natsu yelled, glaring around the guild. Lisanna stood in the center of the guild, her hands behind her back and her eyes cast at the floor.

"Sorry, natsu." She whispered bashfully. The look of rage instantly vanished from natsus face at the sight of Lisanna. He rushed to her side throwing his arm over her shoulders.

"Ah don't worry. It's fine I'm not even hurt, see?" He said wagging his head around to show he was fine. Lisanna laughed at his playfulness, a blush forming on her cheeks. The pair walked to a table in the far corner ignoring happy and Lucy.

Lucy rolled her eyes as she sat down beside the sky dragon slayer, Wendy. Wendy looked up from her vanilla milkshake with a smile. "Hi, Lucy!" She said happily. Lucy couldn't help but smile at the adorable young girl before her.

"Hey Wendy. How's the milkshake?" Lucy asked. Wendy tilted her head in thought. "It's delicious, want me to get you one?" Wendy asked excitedly.

"Sure, get me strawberry." Lucy said, digging money from her purse. Wendy placed her hand on Lucy's frantically searching one. Lucy looked up at her with curiosity in her eyes.

"I'm buying your milkshake today!" Wendy said, determination on her face; along with something else Lucy couldn't quiet place. She sighed in defeat as she withdrew her hand from her purse.

"Fine, I guess." Lucy said, chuckling slightly. She shook her head as she watched the dragon slayer skip to the bar. "What was that about I wonder?" Lucy said to no one in particular. "She's been looking forward to buying you a milkshake all morning." A male voice said from behind her.

Lucy turned to see young Romeo behind her. She couldn't believe how grown up he looked compared to when she first joined. "Hey Romeo." Lucy said with a smile. "Why would she want to buy me a milkshake so badly?" She asked.

Romeo's gaze moved to Wendy. "She said you seem down lately. She wanted to do something nice for you to cheer you up." Romeo spoke with a smile. Lucy smiled as she too gazed at the dragon slayer. Wendy was like a little sister to Lucy.

The dragon slayer returned with a strawberry milkshake, handing it to Lucy. "Thanks Wendy!" Lucy said happily, drinking her milkshake.

"So Lucy, are you and natsu going on a mission?" Wendy asked. Lucy glanced to the far side of the guild, natsu and lisanna seemed unaware of all their guild mates around them.  She sighed as she softly shook her head.

"I hope so, my rent is due." Lucy said dejectedly. "I'll go ask." She said, pushing her chair back and walking toward natsu. She stopped behind him, clearing her throat before speaking. "Hey natsu!"

Natsu didn't even turn around or acknowledged Lucy at all. She tapped his shoulder trying again. "Hey natsu, can we take a mission? Please? My rent is due."  She said, giving natsu a winning smile.

Natsu sighed as he turned around. Lucy noticed he seemed aggravated if not infuriated. "It's always rent rent rent with you!" Natsu screamed. "Why can't you ever think of anything besides yourself?! And money?!" He continued, as the guild began to stop and listen.

Lucy took a step back in shock. Natsu had never yelled at her this way before. "Can't you see I'm busy?" Natsu snarled as he sat back down, turning his back on Lucy and returning to his conversation with lisanna.

Lisanna gave Lucy an apologetic smile. Lucy headed for the guild doors, tears stinging her eyes. She ran to her apartment and cried herself to sleep, snuggling plue to her chest until he returned to the spirit world.

The next morning

Lucy woke to the sound of someone yelling her name.

"Lucy! Lucy, wake up!" A male voice yelled. Her eyelids were heavy from dried tears as she pealed them open. She screamed as she saw gray hovering over her. "Ahhhhhh!! Gray!? What are you doing here?" Lucy asked, placing her hand on her frantically beating heart.

Gray chuckled as he sat in the vanity chair. "I heard what happened yesterday. Between you and natsu I mean. He's such a flamebrain idiot." Gray said. Lucy's expression became sad as she remembered what happened. "So, what do you want?" Lucy asked, harsher than she intended. 

"Well, if he won't go on a mission with you, I will." Gray smirked. "Besides, what are friends for? We can even ask Erza to join if you want." He said, standing and heading for the door. "Meet me in the guild in 30 minutes." He said, closing the door behind him.

Lucy sat there stunned for a moment. She smiled at grays kindness. She got out of bed and quickly showered before fixing her hair in a ponytail and heading for the guild.

End chapter
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