Chapter five-lucys rescue part two

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"Well, let me just tell you then." Erza said stepping into the room with gray behind her. Lucy natsu and jellal stood there shocked. "How did you find this place?" Jellal asked. "Did you follow me?" Natsu accused.

"Of course we followed you idiot." Gray said folding his arms across his chest. "You was acting weird so master asked us to follow you." He shrugged.

Erza pulled her sword out of nowhere, pointing it at jellal. "What do you want with Lucy?" She demanded. He visibly gulped before answering. "To lure you here, so we could talk." He said calmly. "I know my actions have ruined any chance I ever had of being with you, but I want you to know I love you. I have loved you since we were kids." He said in a rush.

Erza lowered her sword slightly, taking a step back. "You kidnapped my friend, to tell me you love me?" She asked appalled. He bowed his head slightly. "Yes, and I'm sorry. I didn't hurt her though." He said, as if that might help.

Erza shook her head. "Jellal, I may have loved you as a child; but I can't stand the man you've become. You disgust me, I can't even look at you." She said turning her head, and taking another step back.

"He only took Lucy, because I told him to." Natsu confessed. "I felt she was getting in the way of my chance with Lizanna." He too bowed his head.

Lucy walked to stand beside gray, not even looking at natsu. "Erza, I can understand how you feel towards jellal." Lucy said. "But, I think you should give him another chance." She declared.

Erza and gray both looked at her in shock. "Why?" Erza asked. "Because, the time I spent here in this cell he never once threatened me or hurt me in any way. He brought me food, sat and talked with me. He helped me stay calm. He explained what was going on and told me all about how much he loves you. He really cares for you Erza and will do anything to prove it to you." Lucy said breathlessly.

Erza shook her head once more. "I'm sorry Lucy, but jellal is a murderer. He killed Simon." She said with finality. "I could never love him even if I tried."

Gray placed his hand on Erzas shoulder for sympathy. "Let's just go." He said, slightly tugging Erzas shoulder. "Yeah." She said. They turned to leave, Lucy trailing slightly behind.

"Oh, natsu." Lucy said turning his way. "Yeah?" He asked. "You don't have to worry about me getting in the way. I loved you once, but you obviously don't feel the same. I hope you and lisanna are happy together." And she turned away, leaving natsu with a hurt expression. "I'll contact you." She directed towards jellal. "Wait for me." And she left behind Erza and gray.

Back at the guild.

Erza gray and Lucy returned to the fairy tail guild. Everyone cheered and some cried at Lucy's return. Lucy however had left her mind back in the cave with jellal. She couldn't believe how rude Erza was. She wouldn't even give him a chance. Lucy knew there was good in him and she was determined to prove it.

"Master, can I speak with you privately?" Lucy asked, as the guild was beginning to calm down. "Of course my child." Makorov said as he led her up the stairs to his office. He closed the door behind them and sat behind his desk. "What can I help you with?" He asked, concern in his eyes.

"Master, I've thought a lot about this." Lucy began. "Iv been thinking of leaving the guild. Just for a little while, to train." She said, seeing the look of hurt on his face. "You wish to leave fairy tail?" He asked sadly. "Only to train, and only for a few months." Lucy assured. "I will always be a member of fairy tail. This is my home." She said with a smile.

Makorov agreed to let Lucy leave. He led her to the rest of her guild mates. "Listen up you brats!" He said, gaining everyone's attention. "A member of our family will be leaving us today." He said sadly. "Lucy has decided to leave the guild for a few months to train." He informed everyone.

Everyone turned sad at the news. Natsu walked in just in time to hear. "What!" He shouted. "You can't just leave." He said. Levy turned to him. "You know your probably the reason she's leaving." She said. "Your always accusing her of being weak, getting in the way and not being of any use!" Levy yelled, becoming angrier and angrier.

Natsu bowed his head. He knew it was true. "I'm sorry Lucy. I'm sorry for the things Iv said. Your my best friend, and I was a complete ass. Please forgive me." He begged. Lucy walked down the platform and stood before natsu. "I forgive you, but that doesn't change my decision to leave." She said kindly.

Lucy walked through the guild hugging her friends and fighting back tears. She stood before the guild doors, looking her family over once more before heading home to pack.

When she reached her home she sat at her desk and began to write a letter. She summoned plue from the spirit world. "Could you please take this to jellal for me?" She asked. "Pun puunn!" He said before waddling out the door.

Lucy sighed as she packed her clothes. She would have to wait for his reply before heading out. Thirty minutes later, she heard a knock at her door. She tilted her head in wonder as she opened the front door. A hooded figure stood before her, the door barely opened before he rushed inside.

"Sorry, I thought I was being followed." He said, as he walked to the window looking out at the street below. "Is everything ok?" Lucy asked cautiously.

"Yeah." He said. "I think we're good."

He walked around Lucy's small apartment for a moment. "So, training?" He asked with a smirk. "I need your help." Lucy said shyly. "I want to become stronger and I want you to train me." She said happily. Jellal smiled a beautiful genuine smile. "Of course I'll help you." He said.

Lucy and jellal left her tiny apartment and headed back to the cave. By the time they got there it was well into the evening. "Well stay here for tonight." Jellal said. "I have a few things to collect, but with it getting dark we might as well." He said shrugging.

"Sounds good to me." Lucy said, placing her bag on the ground and settling in to sleep. "Goodnight, Lucy." Jellal said softly. "Goodnight, Jellal." Lucy said, yawning at the end.

End chapter.

Hey guys hope your enjoying this book so far. I know I am enjoying writing it. If anyone has any suggestions please let me know. If you don't like the story so far, don't worry it will get better. Ok thanks bye!!!

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