Chapter thirty-three- jelu and gruvia mission

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Lucy, jellal, Gray and juvia all decided to take a mission together. It was supposed to be a simple mission of defeating a giant water monster. So far, they were struggling; the monster had destroyed their boat. Luckily, juvia had made a sphere of water that floated them above the ocean; making it slightly easier to fight. Gray had taken a pretty bad hit to the side, his side was now bloody and bruised; he lay there holding his side and panting heavily. Juvia was crouched beside him, doing her best to tend to the wound; gray already having iced it closed to stop the bleeding. Lucy was casting her protective orb around the three of them, as Jellal was currently fighting the monster alone.

Lucy squinted her eyes, keeping Jellal in sight at all times. "Come on, come on." She chanted under her breath. Jellal was in the air, his seven magic circles encircled the monster below him. Water erupted when his spell made contact, as the water cleared Lucy released her breath in thankfulness. Jellal had finally defeated the monster, she released her protective sphere. Jellal smiled at her as he landed beside her, glancing at the others to gauge their wounds.

"We need to get him to a dr." Jellal said, referring to gray. "I'll be fine for now, Iv stopped the bleeding by icing it. I should make it back to the guild, Wendy can fix me up." Gray said, his breathing still unstable. Juvia looked uncertainly at him, turning to Lucy with tears in her eyes. "Do you think he'll make it back to the guild?" She asked hopefully. "Of course he will, he's gray." Lucy said with a smirk. "It'll take a lot more than that to kill him." She added with a smile. "Thanks luce." Gray said, taking juvias hand. "I'll be fine, juvia." He said, giving her a breathtaking grin.

"If you say so darling." Juvia said, hearts in her eyes. Gray rolled his eyes with a smile on his lips. "She cares to much." He whispered to Jellal, as he stood up. Jellal simply chuckled, knowing how "caring" the rain woman could really be. "Now the question is, how do we get back to the dock?" Lucy said, looking around. "My sphere doesn't work like that so I can't just guide us there. Gray can't swim with his wound, so we can't use her water for breathing." Lucy said, rambling to herself.

"How about we use that?" Jellal said, pointing into the distance. A ship could be seen in the distance, it's high white sails sparkling in the sunlight. Juvia sank to the ground in relief, glad for grays safety. Lucy continued to stare at the ship as it approached, her gut telling her something bad was about to happen. "Do you guys need any help?" A males voice rang down from the ship, as it came to a stop before them.

"Yeah, we could; actually." Gray said, as juvia helped him to stand. "Are you sure we can trust them?" Lucy asked unsure. "Don't worry." Jellal said, taking her hand in his. "I'll be by your side the whole time." He smiled. Lucy nodded, thankful to have Jellal by her side; she didn't know why she felt so uneasy. They climbed the ladder that ascended the side of the ship.

When Lucy climbed up last, she noticed there was at least twenty members on this ship. She quirked an eyebrow as she scanned them over. She noticed they were all men, and she didn't like the looks she and juvia were receiving. "Lucy-san?" Juvia whispered from behind her. "Yeah!" She asked, tilting her head to juvia. "Juvia feels uneasy." Juvia said with a shiver. "Me to, keep your eyes peeled for any funny business." Lucy said, as juvia gave a stern nod of agreement.

"Hello there." The man from before greeted them. He had long black hair down to his waist, a prominent chin and sharp nose. His eyes were a periwinkle blue that shined in the sunlight. He had a small smile on his lips that left Lucy and juvia feeling even more unsettled.

"Hello." Jellal said. "Hey man, thanks for saving our asses." Gray said, sinking to the floor. "Gray-sama!" Juvia exclaimed, bending down beside him. "We need to get him back to the guild." Juvia said to Lucy, tears in her eyes. "How fast can you get us to magnolia?" Lucy asked looking for the captain. "Well, probably thirty minutes." The man with the long hair said. "Are you the captain of this ship?" Jellal asked, as he nodded.

"We need to hurry." Lucy said, eyeing grays wound with concern. "Let's set sail boys." The captain yelled to his men, they began to set the sails. "My names Jacob, by the way." The captain said, shaking everyone's head in turn. Lucy didn't like the way the mans calloused hand felt in hers, the chill that it sent up her spine. "Lucy." She said in a monotone, as everyone else introduced themselves.

"I'll show you to your rooms." Jacob said, opening the door to the lower decks. The ship swayed lightly from side to side as the ship moved. Jacob led them to two rooms across from each other. "Ladies, this is the biggest room on board; so it's yours." Jacob said with a smile. "Guys, you'll be across the hall." He said, pointing to the door opposite the girls. "Thank you." Jellal said kindly. "I'll see what medical supplies i have to last till we get there." Jacob said, heading back up the stairs.

"I don't like that guy." Lucy said in a whisper to juvia. "Juvia doesn't either." She agreed with a frown. "Oh come on, he's being friendly enough." Gray said, rolling his eyes. "He's a little to friendly." Lucy said. "What do you mean?" Jellal asked her. "I'm not sure, I just get a funny feeling about him." Lucy said. "Don't worry, Gray and I will protect both of you." Jellal said, squeezing Lucy's hand slightly. "We can protect ourselves you know." Lucy said, her and juvias cheeks puffing in anger.

Gray and jellal both chuckled at the girls angry faces. "We know both of you are strong, we wasn't saying y'all wasn't." Gray chuckled. "Come on juvia, help me lay down." Gray said, as juvia helped him to his room. They all sat in the boys room waiting for Jacob to return. "He's been gone an awfully long time." Juvia said with worry in her voice. "Should we go check on him?" Lucy asked.

"Land ahead!" A voice yelled above deck. "Finally!" Gray exclaimed. The four of them climbed the stairs to the top deck, expecting to see the magnolia docks. Lucy gasped in shock at the sight before her. There was an island in the distance, covered in trees. "This isn't magnolia." She said, as Jacob grew near. "Of course it's not." He said with a smirk. "Get them!" He ordered his men.

Two men knocked gray and jellal out from behind, as the rest circled Lucy and juvia. "Ah shit!" Lucy cursed angrily.
End chapter.
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