Chapter fifteen-devils cry

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Lucy sighed as she and jellal took their third train ride. They had been riding the train for two days now. Lucy was becoming restless, hiding her horns and tail. Passengers stared slightly as they passed. Jellal lightly kicked her foot to gain her attention.

Lucy looked up into Jellals blue-green eyes. She smiled as the butterflies in her stomach swarmed. "You okay?" He asked with concern. "Yeah, just tired of hiding." She sighed. "I know you are." He said. "We'll be at the last stop in ten minutes."

"Thank goodness." Lucy said, as she turned to look out the window. Jellal followed her gaze for a moment as the town of beelzebub came into view. A church stood in the center of town, with a large bell on top. Merchant shops surrounded the church flaring off into houses. A mountain stood behind the town ,and atop a hill at the outskirts of town; stood a lone house.

Lucy looked at the house as though she were being drawn to it. Jellal watched her as the train slowed to a stop. "Time to go." He asks, as he stood and offered his hand. Lucy took his hand in hers as she stood from her chair. They gathered their belongings and headed into town.

At fairy tail.

"Screw you, ice princess!" Natsu yelled, as he threw a punch at grays face. "Come get some, flame brain!" Gray retaliated, as he too threw a punch towards Natsus face. Juvia stood behind a pillar admiring how grays muscles contrasted when he moved. Lisanna was feeding happy a fish as she talked to her brother, elfman. 

Erza sat in the corner of the guild by herself. She had been fighting the urge to follow Lucy and jellal. She couldn't believe that Lucy would be so naive to trust that sick twisted man. She would never forgive him for breaking her heart and trust.

She sat there in her thoughts, unaware of master walking towards her. He jumped onto the table in front of her almost giving her a heart attack. "Master, you frightened me." She said, placing her hand to her frantically beating heart. He laughed as he sat down. "You seemed in another world there." He commented, casually.

She sighed as she looked around the guild. "I don't trust him." She said. Master followed her gaze. "Who? Natsu?" He asked. She shook her head as she turned back to Master. "No, not natsu. Jellal." She spat his name. "Oh." Master said. "I can't figure out what his goal is. What does he want with Lucy?" She questioned.

Master scratched his chin as he looked Erza over. "It seems to me he's in love." Master said thoughtfully. "He cares deeply for Lucy, that's why he wanted to take her to Beelzebub." He said. Erza perked up at the name. Finally, she knew were they went. "What are they doing there?" She asked, searching for more information. "I know a guy there who may be able to help Lucy control her devil magic." He informed.

Erza nodded in understanding. "Do you think she can really do it?" Erza asked seriously. "Control the devil? If anyone can it's her." Master said confidently, as he nodded his head. Erza looked unsure for a moment. "I guess you might be right. I still think I should go watch over them secretly." Erza told master sternly.

"It's not for us to decide anymore. If she controls it she does, if not." He didn't finish his sentence, as they both knew the world might just end because of it. "I believe in her." He said. "It's not Lucy that I don't trust." Erza commented. "Trust in her trust of him." Master said.

Back with Lucy.

It began to grow dark as Lucy and jellal placed their bags on the floor; as they walked through the hotel room door. "Finally!" Lucy exclaimed, as she flung herself on the bed mattress. "It was a long journey." Jellal laughed, as he sat on the mattress beside her. Lucy sat up bracing herself with her arms.

"So, do you really think this guy can help?" She asked. "Well, master believes so." Jellal said thoughtfully, looking into her slightly red eyes. After her transformation her eyes grew a red hue. Jellal admired the beauty of her iris. Lucy blushed as she noticed Jellal staring at her.

"What? Do I have something on my face?" She asked shyly, bringing her hand to her cheek. Jellal gently placed his hand on her other cheek. "Only beauty." He said, as he leaned in and kissed her. Lucy was shocked at first, but quickly melted into the kiss. Her tail began to curl as she placed her hands around his neck.

"Mhm." Jellal moaned, as he pulled away from the kiss. He placed his hands on Lucy's shoulders. "I'm so sorry!" He said, bowing his head. "That was far to forward of me." He said apologetically. Lucy blushed as she gathered her breath. "It's okay." She said smiling. "I didn't mind." She tilted her head to the side.

Jellal and Lucy sat there, blushing and smiling for a moment more. "Well, we better turn in for the night." Jellal said awkwardly. "Yeah." Lucy sighed, as she grabbed her bag and headed towards the bathroom. She closed the door behind her and locked it. She placed her hand on her heart as it began to race.

When Lucy closed the door Jellal quickly changed and got into his bed. He stared at the ceiling as he heard the water turn on. He couldn't believe he had kissed Lucy like that. He didn't know what he was thinking, his body just acted. He sighed as he covered his face with his arm.

Lucy brushed her teeth before changing clothes. When she had adjusted her tail to fit, she looked in the mirror. She sighed as she inspected her horns. The had begun to grown spirals up and down them. She put her hand to the tip of one of her horns. Suddenly, her body begun to feel as though it were on fire. She screamed as pain wracked her body.

The building began to shake at Lucy's cry. She tilted her head towards the heavens, as a spiraling ring of black magic shot from her mouth. Jellal burst through the bathroom door in battle ready stance. His arms dropped to his sides and his mouth fell open, as he gazed at Lucy's paralyzed form.

It was as if her body were suspended in time. He could see the fear in her eyes, as her body began to shake. A red light appeared as Lucy began to transform yet again. Her horns began to curl more and black wings grew from her back. She crouched on the floor as she looked around.

Jellal was frozen in fear, not because of what he saw before him; but for the look of malice in Lucy's eyes.

"I'm going to kill him!" She screamed. "He was my best friend and he treated me like trash! He called me weak and kicked me aside!" She continued, as she grew angrier. She prepared to take flight.

"I'm going to kill natsu." Lucy promised as she hovered in the air.

End chapter.
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