Chapter thirty- one- natsu and sylvias date

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Sylvia and Lucy sighed as they submerged their bodies into the hot spring. Their cheeks turned a slight pink due to the heat, the steam billowing before them. "This is so relaxing." Sylvia sighed. "Yeah, we definitely needed this." Lucy said, her tail poking out of the water slightly. "Lucy, can I ask you something?" Sylvia asked, her head turned towards the sky; observing the stars. "Yeah?" Lucy hummed. "Did jellal kiss you on your date?" She asked bluntly.

Lucy jerked causing the water around her to splash, her cheeks turning redder from embarrassment. Lucy remembered the events that happened earlier, jellal kissing her before entering her apartment. "Yeah, he did." She said, affection in her tone. Sylvia smiled with happiness. "Ahhh!" She squealed, taking Lucy's hands in hers. "I'm so happy for you!" She cooed. "I'm happy for you too." Lucy said, glad that Sylvia and natsu were going on a date. She wondered how lisanna felt about the situation.

The sliding door opened, reveling the silver haired mage previously mentioned. "Lisanna?" Sylvia asked. "Oh, I'm sorry; I'll come back later." Lisanna said, embarrassed she had intervened. "Oh, no it's fine. Come on join us." Lucy said, waving her over. Lisanna slid into the water, slowly making her way to the two girls. "I hear you and natsu are going on a date tomorrow." Lisanna said casually. "Is that a problem?" Sylvia questioned. "No,no." Lisanna said, waving her hands in front of her.

Sylvia narrowed her eyes, not trusting the silver haired girl. Natsu had told her how she had dated him, for close to him; then betrayed him. She had been there for the last part and she didn't trust her. "All I want is for natsu to be happy, and if he's happy with you; then so be it." Lisanna said, a sad smile on her lips. Sylvia hesitated for a moment in her dislike for Lisanna, she didn't really know her after all. "You really loved him, huh?" Sylvia said. "Yeah, I did." Lisanna said honestly.

They enjoyed their soak in the hot springs a bit more before turning in for the night. Tomorrow, Lucy and Sylvia were spending the morning getting their nails and toes done.

When Sylvia awoke, she was confused at first. She forgot she spent the night at Lucy's place. The pink comforter she was under was extremely comfortable. She stiffened when she felt someone beside her, raising the cover slightly to see Lucy's blonde hair beside her. She smiled as she quietly got from the bed to go to the shower. Lucy looked so peaceful when she slept.

Sylvia quickly showered, changing into a white tank top with black skirt and sandals. Lucy woke shortly after Sylvia finished dressing, taking her turn in the shower. She adorned a blue button up shirt with a black skirt and flats, she placed her keys on her hip along with her whip before exiting the apartment. They walked down the early morning rush of workers, to the nail parlor a couple blocks from Lucy's house. They entered the small establishment, Sylvia looking around in wonder; as she had never had her nails done before.

By the time they were done, three hours had passed. Sylvia was tired from sitting in that chair for so long, so she and Lucy took the long way home by the beach. Sylvia breathed in the beautiful scent of the ocean, seaweed and salt water. They continued on to Lucy's place were Sylvia packed her bag with her dress. Gray and juvia we're going on a mission that would take them through crocus, so Natsu agreed to meet Sylvia there. She was going to change into her dress before exiting the train station.

Once the train boarded, Sylvia bid goodbye to gray and juvia. She wandered down the street towards the restaurant Natsu chose, a nice little place in the crocus garden. The place was very secluded and romantic, Sylvia couldn't wait to go. She stopped at a store along the way to change into her dress. She felt overdressed in her sleeveless dress with black flats. People stared at her as she walked down the street, some even pointing and commenting on how pretty she was. Before getting on the train, Sylvia had Lucy do her hair in a neat but comfortable bun. Long strands of her black hair hung around her face.

When she approached the restaurant, she saw natsu in a black tux with red tie. She blushed as she noticed the tux was slightly to small, his muscles bulging; threatening to break the fabric. "Wow." He breathed upon seeing her. "You look beautiful." He said, hading her a rose. She smiled as she lifted the rose to her nose, the smell tickling slightly. He offered his arm, she smiled as she slid her hand around his bicep.

They entered the dimly lit restaurant, taking a seat at the far back. Natsu slid her chair out like a gentleman, gently sliding it back into place before taking his own seat. Sylvia admired the small decoration on the table, a simple white cloth with a single rose in the middle; two candles placed on either side of the table. The low light seemed to make Natsus eyes glimmer, catching Sylvia's attention. "Thank you, for inviting me to dinner." Sylvia said shyly. "Iv never been on a date before." She admitted with a blush.

"I am honored to be the first then." Natsu said with a smile, blushing when their fingered caressed each other's. Natsu clasped his hand around Sylvia's, lacing their fingers. The waiter arrived and took their order, natsu a flaming hot steak and Sylvia a shrimp salad. They enjoyed their meal, their hands being clasped together the whole time. After they finished their meal, Sylvia changed clothes and they boarded the train. Natsu moaned of motion sickness the whole way, while Sylvia striked his hair; his head in her lap.

When the train boarded, natsu jumped with excitement. "I'm back baby!" He yelled, jumping into the air. Sylvia giggled at his childish antics, so far, she could tell he was the smartest immature person she has ever met. He left butterfly's in her stomach, she could feel them flying around. "I have to check on happy first, then I'll walk you home." Natsu said, taking Sylvia's hand. "Okay." She smiled, relishing in the warmth his hand brought.

Natsu stopped before opening his door, turning to Sylvia with their hands still intertwined. "I had a great time tonight." He said, his eyes softening as he looked at her. "I had the best night ever." She said blissfully. He tilted her chin upward, bringing his head down. He let their lips meet in a tinder embrace, their lips dancing to an unheard beat. When they finished, natsu leaned his forehead against hers. "Best kiss of my life." He breathed, looking into her eyes.

Sylvia blushed crimson from head to toe, her breathing becoming erratic. She started to hyperventilate, she grabbed Natsus arm in fear before passing out. Natsu grabbed her in his arms bridal style and carried her inside. "Natsu?" Happy said, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. "What happened?" He asked, seeing Sylvia. "Don't worry little buddy, she's fine." Natsu said, taking Sylvia to his bed. He tucked her in before settling down on his couch. "Goodnight Happy." Natsu said, a small smile on his lips. "Goodnight Natsu." Happy yawned, snuggling into Natsus side.

End chapter.
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