Chapter eighteen- lucys love

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"Erza! What have you done?" Natsu asked, as he stood there shaking. If this had been the plan she certainly didn't tell him. He fell to his knees beside Jellals body, watching the blood pour from his chest. Erza stood there triumphantly over her prey. Lucy could be heard snarling behind them. "I'm going to kill you!" Lucy demanded venomously, as she stood.

She moved so fast neither natsu nor Erza saw her coming. She moved like a flash as she grabbed Erza by the throat, swiftly flinging her into a tree beside her. She turned to natsu, who put his hands up in surrender; as he backed away on his knees. "Please, I didn't know she would do this." Natsu begged, as he begun to cry. Lucy hesitated for a moment as she looked at him.

She could tell by his fear and tearful eyes he was telling the truth. She looked down at Jellals bleeding figure. She quickly gathered him into her arms before taking flight. She flew to the house upon the hill, landing before his door. She knocked with her foot impatiently waiting for the door to be answered.

The elderly man opened the door, his eyes growing wide at the sight before him. "Quickly, to the couch!" He commanded, as he hurried to a cabinet grabbing various vials. He rushed back to the couch, grabbing a chair and placing it beside the couch. "What happened?" He asked, as he turned to Lucy.

"Erza stabbed him through the heart with a sword." She told him venomously. The elderly man stood, grabbing Lucy by the shoulders and looking into her eyes. "You must go to the cave and get that sword quickly." He informed hastily. "It's your only hope of saving him. I can keep him alive until then, but you must make haste." He said.

"I understand." Lucy said, as she quickly left the house taking flight once more. She flew into the air until she could see the cave entrance. She quickly flew in that direction as fast as her wings would carry her.

Back with natsu.

Natsu sat there shocked and unsure. He couldn't believe what Erza had done, and the malice in Lucy's eyes as she looked at Erza. He really thought Lucy was going to kill her, before she flung her into the tree. "Erza?!" Natsu yelled, as he got to his feet and rushed to her side. He pulled her to him, resting her head in his lap. "Erza!" He said horsely.

He sat there for five minutes, before Erza began to stir. "Hmm, natsu?" She said, as she came to. "We're Lucy?" She asked, fearfully looking around. "Don't worry." Natsu assured. "She took Jellal and left." He said, looking around. "Erza, look!" He gasped, as he pointed into the air. Erza turned towards the heavens, seeing Lucy hovering in the air before sickly darting towards the mountain.

"We have to return to the house on the hill." Erza said weakly, as she pointed to the cliff bottom. Natsu, who's eyes were keener than most, could see the house. "Let's go." Natsu said, gathering Erza into his arms. He steadied himself as he stood preparing to run. He added his firer power to boost their speed. They arrived at the house in mere minutes. Erza gently knocked on the door as they approached.

The elderly man opened the door for the second time in twenty minutes. "Yes?" He questioned, as he opened the door. "You?" He said, spotting Erza. "Please, can you help her?" Natsu asked the man. The man turned to natsu, looking him over. "You must be natsu?" He asked politely. Natsu seemed shocked that this man knew him. "Yes?" He said unsure.

The man nodded his head as he stepped aside. "You may enter. Lucy and jellal have spoken of you." He nodded his head towards the couch. Natsu and Erza spotted Jellal resting peacefully on the couch. "What!?" Erza said shocked. "But, how?" She questioned. "Lucy brought him here after you stabbed him." He said accusingly.

Erza cast her eyes downwards as she became ashamed of herself. "I'm sorry for my actions in your home." She apologized, as she remembered trying to slice Lucy's throat. Natsu set Erza on her feet before walking to Jellals side. He braced himself on his knees beside the couch. He cleared his throat before speaking. "I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry, jellal. I had no idea." Natsu said, checking up slightly.

"Don't blame yourself son." The elderly gentlemen said, as he placed his hand on Natsus shoulder. Natsu looked up to the elderly man with tears in his eyes. The elderly man nodded toward Erza. "She dragged you into her jealousy. Her revenge." He said solemnly. Erzas eyes widened as she realized his words to be true. She turned to natsu. "I'm so sorry." She said, as she begun to cry.

Natsus hands balled into fists as he became angry. He took a shaky breath, before releasing his grip. He sighed as he recovered himself. "It's okay. I guess, a part of me wanted revenge too. Revenge on Jellal for winning Lucy over." He admitted. "But, when you stabbed him." He hesitated, as he chocked slightly. "I realized I never wanted that. I never wanted to become a...killer." He whispered the last part.

Erzas eyes widened, as his words once again rang true. Erza had stabbed Jellal with every intent on killing him. She hadn't stopped to consider her actions, or how natsu might have felt. "I never meant to drag you into this natsu. You were perfectly happy being with Lisanna." She said sadly. Natsu knelt beside Jellal again, taking his hand in his.

Back with Lucy.

Lucy rushed through the entrance of the cave. She halted as the cave became dark. "I wonder." Lucy said thoughtfully. She gathered her breath into her lungs, combining them with her magic. She could feel her lungs begin to heat, as smoke dropped out of her mouth. She blew her breath down the hall sending a fireball to light her way. She swiftly followed it down the corridor of the cave.

She continued onward until the corridor came to a door. She slowly opened the door as it squeaked slightly. She learned inside as she opened the door. She stepped inside to find herself in a circular room. A chandelier of horns hung from the ceiling. Four pillars held the ceiling up. A fountain stood in the center of the room. Upon that fountain, stood a sword with horns on the handle.

The horns swirled around the handle. The tip shined blue. Lucy felt as though the sword were calling her. She could her voices whispering in her ear, telling her to come closer. She walked to the fountain before gliding into the air. She hovered beside the sword admiring its beauty. "Make you choice." A feminine voice spoke.

"What?" Lucy asked, as she looked around. She was sure no one else was around. "What kind of choice?" She asked. "You must make the choice, of what kind of devil you wish to be." The feminine voice said. Lucy thought about it for a moment. What kind of devil was she? Was she the kind to let anger consume her, and destroy all in her path? Or is she kind and gentle?

As she turned to leave she spotted two statues. One depicted a devil who's horns, wings and tail were aflame. The other depicted a devil with a halo above its horns. Lucy hoped she would become like that one. She gathered her breath as she took flight once more. She flew towards the elderly mans house as fast as possible.

End chapter.
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