Chapter nine-kidnapping

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It has been two and a half months since Lucy left fairy tail. Her and jellal have become close friends in the time they've spent together. Honestly, she would say he's her best friend besides Levi and happy of course.

"Good morning!" Lucy said happily, as she stepped out of the tower to greet jellal. "Oh, good morning Lucy." Jellal said with a smile. "Sleep well?" He asked.

"Like a baby." She said sitting down by the morning fire. Jellal was making breakfast for them. "That smells amazing." Lucy said, breathing deeply. "I hope it tastes as good as it smells." Jellal said with a small blush. "Your foods always great." Lucy said, taking the plate of bacon and eggs.

They sat quietly eating their breakfast, until jellal couldn't hold himself back anymore. "Lucy, can I ask you something?" He asked with hesitation. "Sure, what's up?" Lucy asked, looking at him quizzically. 

"Are you...going back soon?" He asked, hopeful her answer was no. "Well, I have been gone for two and a half months now." She said thoughtfully. "I suppose I'll be going back soon." She said looking up at him.

"I wish I could join you." Jellal said dejectedly. "I can always ask master." Lucy said. "He would never go for it." Jellal started. "I hurt his children, and almost brought an evil dark wizard back to life. I've broken many laws and regulations." Jellal said, remembering all of his evil deeds.

"I could always talk to him." Lucy said, trying to give Jellal hope. "Yeah, I guess." Jellal said unsure.

Far away in a distant place.

"The time has come." A males voice spoke, as his two companions turned his way. "Already?" A female voice asked. "What's the matter, angel? You scared?" Another male voice asked. "Scared? Me? Your joking. Angels are scared of nothing." The female voice said confidently. "If you say so." The second male voice said.

"Enough." Midnight said, gathering angel and racers attention. "The time has come for us to capture the heartfillia girl. So get ready." He said, smiling a smile so evil even his comrades flinched.

Back at fairy tail.

"Hey! Natsu!" Lisanna yelled across the guild. Natsu looked up from his uneaten spicy chicken sandwich Mira had made him. "Oh. Hey lisanna." He said moodily, after seeing who it was. He was still waiting for Lucy to walk through the doors so he could apologize for his harsh words.

"You wanna go on a mission?" Lisanna asked happily. "There's one with a decent reward, and it takes us close to the docks that Lucy would be at when she returns." She said, hoping to cheer natsu up. "Yeah, I guess so." He said, sliding his plate away and standing up.

They checked with Mira to let her know what mission they were taking, and headed to the docks. Natsu read over the mission, apparently bandits had taken over the docks. "If bandits have control Lucy won't be able to dock." Natsu said, more to himself than Lisanna.

"Don't worry natsu. We'll get rid of those bandits quick and Lucy will be save to dock." Lisanna said, catching up with natsu and holding his hand. She gave it a small squeeze for comfort. He gently squeezed her hand back in reassurance.

They made it to the docks to find 30 bandits. "Ok, let's do this quietly." Lisanna started to say, until natsu jumped out and punched the first person he saw. "Or not." Lisanna said, slightly angry.

Natsu continued to punch as many people as he could find until everyone was down, moaning and holding wounds.

"Natsu?" Lisanna said, as natsu turned towards her. "You ok?" She asked. "He puffed his cheeks out in anger. "I'm bored now!" He said, whining like a child. Lisanna laughed and ruffled his hair. "I'm sure there will be plenty more bad guys for you to punch." She said, reassuring him. He smiled up at her from his crouched position.

"Natsu?" Lisanna asked hesitantly. "Hm?" Natsu responded. "Do Lucy?" She asked. Natsu looked at her confused. "Well yeah, of course I love Lucy. She's my best friend." He said, in a duh tone. Lisannas features became sad at his words. "So, you would rather be with her?" Lisanna asked, as a tear slid down her cheek.

Natsu jumped up quickly enveloping her in a hug. "I love Lucy as my best friend, but your the only girl I could truly love." He said, making her understand. "I want to be with you, lisanna." He gently kissed her forehead. She smiled as she hugged him, holding him tight. "Thank you natsu. I love you!" She said, snuggling into his neck.

Back with Lucy.

"So, you ready?" Lucy asked, plopping down on her bed beside jellal. "Ready for what?" He asked. "To come to fairy tail with me, duh." She said hitting his arm and rolling her eyes. "I don't know Lucy. What if they won't let me join?" He said, knowing they wouldn't let him. "If they don't let you join I'll leave." Lucy said without hesitation.

"We've trained together for three months now, almost. I trust you, and you've had plenty of time to kill me and didn't." She finalized. "Ok. How about you go on ahead and I'll meet you at your apartment. I have a few more things to gather. Plus that gives you time to get ready." He said smiling.

"Are you sure?" She asked, tilting her head to the side in concern. "Yeah, it'll just make it easier for you to avoid the cops." He said, shrugging. "Ok, if you say so." She said. Standing from her bed and hugging jellal. She held him tightly.

Jellal began to feel his cheeks flush at the embrace. He gently hugged her back, placing his cheek on her head. "Safe travels, Lucy." Jellal said sweetly, before kissing her forehead. Lucy blushed as she pulled back, and headed towards the boats. She waved farewell as the boat glided across the water.

Back with midnight.

"Alright guys." Midnight said, as he and his crew walked down the road. "This is the place." He stopped, pointing towards the docks. "Racer, clear a path." He said, as raver dashed down the dock; knocking people out of his way.

Back with natsu. And Lucy?

"Lisanna, watch out!" Natsu yelled, as he pulled lisanna out of the way. He was hit with such force he went flying into the air. He hit a building across from the docks, sliding to the ground. Lisanna rushed to his side and pulled him to his feet.

"Happy's not here right now, so let me be your wings." Lisanna said, before she turned into a bird; and flew natsu info the air. Natsu smiled up at lisanna. "Thanks!"

They flew through the air, searching for the enemy. "There!" Natsu yelled, pointing to the docks. Lisanna swerved towards the docks at full speed. "I'm going to throw you into him." Lisanna said. "Got ya." Natsu said smiling.

Lisanna released natsu, flinging him toward racer. "Fire dragon iron fist!" He yelled, as he flew top speed towards racer. Racer vanished, just as natsu was about to punch. Shocked, natsu looked around. Racer stood behind him, smiling.

"To slow." Racer said, before knocking natsu off his feet again. Natsu groaned as he went flying into the air, hitting the ground hard. "Ahh! Lisanna screamed, as she was hit in the head by angel;knocking her out. Natsu growled, as he stood on his feet.

In the moment natsu was looking at Lisanna, Lucy's boat boarded at the dock. She stepped onto the dock and rushed towards her friends. Racer quickly knocked her out, before throwing  her over his shoulder. "Sorry girly, someone's paying a lot of money for you." Racer said.

"Are you don't yet?" Angel asked sound bored, as she looked at Racer. Natsu turned around to see Lucy on his shoulder. His hands balled into fists, his teeth ground together in furry; flames formed over his whole body. "If you hurt one hair on her, I'll burn you to a crisp." He said fiercely.

"Hehe yeah? Whatever you say bud." Racer said, before he vanished. Natsu could hear angel laugh behind him. He made sure Lisanna was there, before rushing to her side. But, before he could reach her, he was hit from behind; by a black and green orb of dark magic. He hit the ground, before going unconscious.

"Let's get back to bade." Midnight said smirking, his crew stood behind him smirking. Lucy sat snuggly on racers shoulder.

End chapter.

Hope you guys enjoy I put a lot of effort into it.

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