Chapter twelve- family betrayal

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"Please, help me." Lucy pleaded, tears running down her face. Her body felt as though it was on fire. Her forehead ached were her horns grew. It was uncomfortable laying down with her tail. She scanned the room, her eyes meeting Jellals. "Help me." She pleaded again, before being enveloped in another cloud of black and red.

She screamed again as her body was wracked with pain. "Ahhhhh!" She screamed, as she broke the restraints. She grabbed midnight around the waist with her tail, flinging him across the room. He landed in a heap on the floor, unconscious. She turned to her father, panting heavily.

"You did this." She said, in a voice that wasn't quiet hers. Her eyes turned red as she stepped towards him. "I'm going to make you pay." She promised, a venomous smile spreading over her lips. She began to walk towards him.

In a flash, jellal stood before Jude protectively. "Lucy stop." He pleaded. She tilted her head to the side for a moment. "Get out of the way." She warned. "If you do this, you'll regret it for the rest of your life." Jellal said calmly. "Look at what he's done it me." She said, disgusted with herself.

She felt as though she had to do this, had to kill. There was an evil aura inside of her needing to escape. She stepped towards Jude once more. Her humanity slowly slipping away.

"We'll fix this, and if we can't we'll learn to deal with it." Jellal said. "Let me help you." He pleaded, holding his hand out for her to take. "I'm sorry." Lucy said, as she disappeared only to reaper behind Jude. She knocked him out cold before throwing him over her shoulder and disappearing.

"We're did they go?" Wendy asked slightly scared. Gray walked out the door and looked around. "I don't know." He said, placing his hands in his pockets. Natsu sniffed the air hoping to catch her scent. "This way!" He said, leading them into the yard and towards the mansion.

"She's in here then?" Erza asked, as natsu nodded. "Yeah, somewhere." He said, unsure. "What do we do when we find her? We don't know anything about devils lacryma." Natsu said. "Well, for now we should try to capture her and take her back to fairy tail." Jellal said. "I'm sure master Makorov will know what to do."

"I don't want to fight Lucy though." Wendy said sadly. "Don't worry, we won't hurt her or let her hurt us." Erza said reassuringly. "I don't think Lucy will hurt us." Jellal said. "Otherwise she would have ripped me to shreds to get her father." Jellal stated. "Yes, this is true." Erza agreed. "We'll just have to see what happens." She said, leading them to the mansion.

They slowly crept inside before closing the door. "Ok, we should split into two groups. Wendy, can you smell Lucy?" Erza asked. Wendy nodded as an answer. "Ok, Gray Wendy and I will take this side if the castle. Natsu, you and jellal take that side." Erza ordered. "Yes ma'am." Everyone said, as they headed in different directions.

"So, what do we do when we find her?" Gray asked. "We might have to fight her, well try not to hurt her but we don't know what we're up against." Erza said cautiously. "If it comes down to it, we might have to kill her." Erza said sadly, as two swords appeared in her hands.

"Jellal?" Natsu asked, as they walked down the hall. "Yeah?" Jellal answered. "What's gonna happen to Lucy?" Natsu asked with concern. "Well, I'm not sure." He said honestly. "I'm hoping we cab get her back to master." Jellal said. "Which way?" Jellal asked, as natsu pointed towards the door at the end of the hall.

They walked to the door to hear talking. "You see what you've made me become?" A female voice asked. "Please, I'm so sorry Lucy." A whimpering make voice said. "It's Jude and Lucy." Natsu confirmed, as Erza, Gray and Wendy joined them. "I'll lead." Erza said, as she prepared to kick the door down.

Lucy's pov.

Lucy had her father tied to a chair in front of his desk. Her forehead itched were her horns were, but they were to sore to scratch. Her arms felt like they were on fire, as she looked at the intricate markings on them. Black and red lines formed down her arms in a tribal design. She didn't understand what any of it meant.

She could hear whispers, telling her to do things she didn't want to. The whispers wanted her to kill Jude, and she was fighting as hard as she could not to. Jellals previous words still lurked in her mind. "If you kill your father, you'll regret it the rest of your life." His voice rang clear in her head. She smiled at the thought of Jellal. Maybe he could save her.

She glared at Jude as he began to beg for his life again. "Please, Lucy. Don't hurt me, I'll fix it. I promise." He pleaded. "Oh?" Lucy sneered. "Begging won't help you. I begged, I pleaded and you still did this to me!" She said furiously.

Suddenly the office door burst open as Erza entered. She held two swords in her hands pointed at Lucy. "Lucy, stop this. We can help you." She said kindly, holding her hand out to Lucy. Gray,Wendy, natsu and jellal entered behind her. They all seemed shocked at the look in Lucy's eyes.

It was as if her humanity was slipping away, being replaced by something darker; eviler. "Lucy?" Jellal gasped, as he took a step towards her. He continued forward until Erza stopped him. He turned to her questioningly. She shook her head slightly, warning him not to get closer. "It's fine." He assured, as he sidestepped Erza. He continued towards Lucy.

When he was close enough, he gently placed his hand on her cheek. "Please, let me help you." He pleaded, a tear rolling down his cheek. Lucy's breath caught in her throat at the sight. Tears began to fall as she began to sob, her shoulders shaking. "Help me." She pleaded, as she fainted in his arms.

Jellal picked Lucy up bridal style, as he started towards the door. "Bring him too." He said, as he led the group back to fairy tail. Once they arrived they immediately went to masters office. Jude explained what he had done to Lucy. "If you take the lacryma out she could die." He told them.

They sat there confused as to what to do. "So your saying this devil will take over her body?" Mokarov asked, as he sat behind his desk; fingers interlocked. "Yes, she'll be taken over and replaced with a devil. The devil will wreak havoc on the world." Jude said sadly. "If you knew this would happen why did you do it?!" Jellal asked, furious Jude would do this to his daughter.

"I wanted to make her stronger." Jude said, disappointed in himself. "I wanted to make her better." "There was nothing wrong with her in the first place! Lucy is kind and caring, strong and determined. She doesn't need anyone trying it "improve" her." Jellal was so disgusted he could taste bile in his throat.

"If it comes to it, we might have to kill her." Erza said, hoping beyond hope it wouldn't come to that. The group looked among each other as they agreed. Jellal couldn't believe what he was hearing. "So, if she can't control the devil; your just gonna kill her?" He asked appalled. "We have no choice." Master said sadly.

Hey guys sorry for the short chapter. Thank you so much for 1k views I can't believe it omg!!!!!

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