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After the second wizarding war, Mcgonagall decided that the separation of houses had to change. That there had to be more inter-house unity. So, her and three newly hired professors Came up with a plan.

Each dorm would have a student from each house.

One Ravenclaw.

One Slytherin.

One Gryffindor.

One Hufflepuff.

All sharing a dorm and common room.

They sprung the plan in action as quickly as they could.

Most groups did bad at first. Their family and siblings telling them what the other houses were like and giving them false information. Some already had even gotten into duels and fists fights.

The professors were started to lose hope. All they wanted was for Hogwarts to be peaceful. Unified. Imagine how quickly the battle of Hogwarts would've ended if all the houses were friends.

One group stood out. One group got along perfectly.

This group consisted of:

A lesbian Slytherin named Stormie that manipulated homophobes to stop being idiots. A girl who lived dressed and could kick your ass in a minute flat.

A transgender male named Nick who is also Gryffindor and asexual. He says he spends the time he'd would be thinking about crushes or whatever (his words) to think about justice and bravery.

A pansexual Hufflepuff who so far in the closet they've found narnia. Who's name is Lyra and all she wants to do is make sure her friends are okay.

And a Non binary demi Ravenclaw named Spencer who will kick your ass if you mis gender someone. Who could tell you a long list of historical queer people. Their also very good at quidditch and sarcasm.

These students gave McGonagall  and the others hope. That house unity could happen.

These students were going to do great things.

Hey my dudes. How is life. Let's all ignore how bad my uploading schedule is.

My anxiety has been horrible. I have a full blown panic attack Thursday and an ambulance was almost called.

I'm okay tho so it's fine.

Qotd- let's keep the positivity going. What's something that made you extremely happy and fuzzy inside.

Also I was thinking about making this into a book but I'm on the fence about it. What do you guys think. Do you have anything you would change?

Take some love before you leave:


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