1. Angel

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It seems like field trips lose their appeal once you hit high school.

In primary school, you get to visit farms and aquariums. Your mum packs a tastier lunch, and you hold hands with your best friend all day.

In high school, you're sent on a two-hour coach ride to some random field, where you spend the whole day collecting data that you never do anything with. You don't have time for lunch, and you're forced to work with people you'd normally avoid like the plague.

"Anatolia, Lucy, Peter...and River."

The burst of joy I feel at being put with my best-friend Lucy, quickly disappears when our Irish biology teacher announces the last member of our group.

River Kavinsky.

I look over to where he's standing with his gang, leaning back against a brick wall. His black hair, recently cut short, accentuates his dark gaze. He's wearing a black, denim Levi's jacket with a black t-shirt underneath. River's never been one for colour.

"He best not get us into trouble," Lucy says to me.

She's also watching River.

As if sensing an audience, his eyes suddenly snap to us and his lips slowly form a devilish smirk.

Lucy and I quickly turn away, our pale faces going pink.

It's no secret River's gorgeous. But it's also no secret he's a sadistic rogue. He makes your standard delinquent look like a saint.

When Mr Bonner signals, Lucy and I clamber onto the coach with the rest of our biology class.

"Can I have the window seat?"

"If I can have some of your Oreos." Lucy says.


I open my pack of Oreos and pull out some maths homework. Lucy unlocks her phone and goes straight to Instagram.

"What," she breathes. "Did you know anything about Olivia going on a date with Harry last night?"

I look up, surprised.

Olivia's our other best-friend. She's not with us today because she doesn't take biology, but normally the three of us are inseparable.

"No, why?"

Lucy shows me a picture Olivia just uploaded to Instagram. Thornhill's football captain has his arm wrapped around her, and he's kissing her cheek. They seem to be in an old diner, judging by the decor and the empty milkshake glass between them.

I smile. Olivia definitely organised the date.

I think I'd want mine to be unexpected. Something spontaneous, maybe even with a little danger attached. I say think because I've never been on a date.

"She called me last night for help with an essay, and didn't say a word about it," I frown a little.

Lucy shakes her head. "I can't believe she didn't tell us it was happening. It's a big deal. She's liked him forever."

"Scandalous," a low voice suddenly drawls. "You should slit her throat."

I glance up and almost flinch at the sight of River looming over us. Up close, the green of his eyes really hits you in the face. I notice he's got a cut beneath his right one.

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