8. Sleep Tight

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The sky's a dark navy when I climb into the backseat of Olivia's Mini Cooper. Olivia's sat in the driver's seat, using the rearview mirror to touch up her makeup, and Lucy's drinking a latte beside me.

Bundles of students pass by outside, heading to the football pitch for Thornhill's first match of the school year.

I decide to tell Olivia and Lucy about my encounter with River this morning. But I make no mention of what just occurred in the library.

"Don't listen to him," Lucy says, laying her head on my shoulder. "Jax seems genuine, I promise."

Olivia stops applying her lipstick and twists round in her seat to face me.
"Form your own opinions of him at The Sex Tip's next show. It's this Sunday, right?"

Lucy nods and her hair tickles my chin.

Olivia glances outside, narrowing her eyes at nothing in particular. "Still, I'd like to know what Kavinsky's problem is."

Lucy scoffs.

"He just wants to make everyone as tortured as he is."

Tortured. I think of the wounds that constantly plague his body and close my eyes. What a way to live.

Or die, a part of my brain whispers.

Lucy elbows me in the side.

"Don't fall asleep on me," she exclaims. "We need to police Liv."

"Police me?"

"Mhm. Harry's wearing his sexy football strip tonight, isn't he?"

I start to giggle.

"Oh, shut up." Olivia mumbles, dusting powder off her glittery Pulp Fiction top. "I've seen him in it plenty of times."

"Yeah, but this time the body underneath is all yours."

"Ew," I grimace. Then quickly duck as Olivia aims a makeup brush at Lucy's head.

The three of us exit the Mini and hurry across the parking lot, aware of cars fighting for parking spaces and seemingly not caring if they mow people down to get them.

I spot Dallas Jackson shoulder his way out of school and jog down the stairs.

A black hoodie shields a good portion of his face. But when he passes close by Olivia, he makes a point of lifting his head and sending her a seductive smile.


Harry Cooper's the centre of all female attention tonight. He's currently stretching his arm muscles on the pitch, chatting to Olivia. His silky, blue football strip is shimmering under the strobe lights, and he looks taller than ever with his long legs on display. I see why most girls fawn over him. But I never have. He's a little too perfect for my liking.

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