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She looks into her mirror

Wishing someone could hear her, so loud

Mirrors ~ Niall Horan


I wake up in some room I don't remember getting into last night after getting back from work, I see at all the pictures on the wall of Lara and me holding a photoshoot together with my brother taking every picture of us because after all he is the best photographer I know.

"Finally you are awake, you sure did need that sleep." I look up and see Lara getting inside wearing a tank top and some shorts. "Thanks for letting me stay here because Scott didn't want me to be home." She rolls her eyes and pulls me up, leading me to her closet, something I don't like to do because she has only revealing clothes.

"Scott is some jerk who thinks he can do everything to you now because you told him you liked him so he thinks he has you wrapped around his finger." I shake my head but she is kind of right, I do everything he asks because I live at his house and I do like him for some reason even tho I know he has some other girl every night and he is not scared to go out with other friends of Emely but with me he never even tried.

"I know he is but you can't deny it that he is hot, he has a ripped body and I need to see that every day till I find my own place." Holding the clothes I found in her closet that are not really to revealing, it is a hard job to do but it is not impossible. "You know you can stay at mine, I mean I have a spare room now because Emma left with her new boyfriend." I nod my head and walk to the bathroom. 

"I will think about it." I close the door behind me and walk into the shower after taking off my clothes of yesterday, I slept in my sweater dress last night because I was too tired to change into something else and I didn't want to disturb Lara with her one night stand once again or some guy who is her sleeping buddy. 

Walking out of the shower looking at myself in the mirror seeing the bags under my eyes, showing me I am super tired these few days, I just need some sleep this weekend. I put on the jeans shorts with nylons underneath it with some green v-neck sweater tucked in it with a brown belt. 

"Sabrina can we please go out today?" I turn around with my glass of water in my hands looking at Lara in the couch holding a pillow in her hands, hugging it close to her. "Sure what do you want to do?" She gets out of the couch showing me the outfit she has on, a denim skirt with a beige tank top tucked inside it with some black belt. "Lets see what the day brings, nothing planned."

Driving in my car while Lara is singing along with the songs she had putted on with her aux, showing me that I need to listen to those songs more because they are so much better than mine. The thing about me and Lara is that she is more out going than me, she is the wild one of the two of us, I normally take care of her when we go out because she doesn't care one bit how she will go home, safe.

"First we need breakfast." I stop at the coffee shop that she for some reason always want to go, she always brings me coffee from here and I still don't get why but now I will find that out. Once I am inside, I already get why she came here, looking at the guy in front of me who is some good looking guy with a really big smile on his face. 

"Now I get it why you come here so often." Lara rolls her eyes and takes both of our orders while I walk to a table where we could sit both. Waiting for Lara who is now flirting with the guy takes such a long time so I take my phone and look at the messages I got from last night, showing me two names I never tought would text me.

From Scott:

Sabrina did you find a place to stay at? Let me know if you do because I still do care of you even tho I never show that by my actions and words.

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