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We're just two ghosts standing in the place of you and me

Trying to remember how it feels to have a heartbeat

Two ghosts ~ Harry Styles


Sabrina walks out of her bedroom with her hair still in a messy bun while her shorts are barely covering her butt, it is not that she really cares about it but her mother cares about it and how she looks in front of all the people, maybe there won't be people downstairs but you are never sure with Sabrina her mother so she walks back to her room to put on some clothes that are decent for breakfast with her lovely family. 

Christian in the other room puts on his jeans with a basic white shirt, it is not that he really cares about it how he looks because he wants to proof to Sabrina that he only wants her and not all those other girls that are after him every time he walks outside, he can marry any girl that walks outside because all of them want them for his looks but most importantly the money of his family. Sabrina on the other side saw him at his worst, she was the girl he tought he would never fall for, she was the girl who was in the shadow with her other friends but she stood out now for him, he was looking for her in every room she could possibly be.

So the day she left the house after their fight they had, he finally understood the feeling he had with her when she was around, it was not a feeling of being annoyed at her it was more a feeling of wanting her to be his all the time but not knowing how to tell her because he was never good at explaining himself, Christian was never used to work for a girl and when Sabrina was the one trying to fix everything they had, he was the main reason it was always broken and he never saw it, he saw it when it was too late, the moment he couldn't change her mind anymore.

"Christian sweetheart are you okay? You zoned out for quit a while now, did something happen?" Sabrina her mother pulls Christian out of his toughts and he sees now Sabrina in front of him eating her breakfast without make up on her face, how can she still look good while other girls he has ever dated needed to do their make up first to look kind of presentable. "I am sorry miss Hill, nothing happened I was just thinking about tonight." Sabrina rolls her eyes and her mother kicks her leg underneath the table so she could look out with what she is doing. 

"So mother what have you planned for me today?" Sabrina cleans her plate and fixes her clothes and hair. "Don't make it sound like I control your life Sabrina, I just made a good planning that you should follow to make this wedding perfect because I know one thing for sure, if you would do that it would be a disaster for me." Sabrina nods her head and Daniel looks at his plate when she made eyecontact with him, something happened between them the other day and it broke something between them.

That is what happens in life, you say words to someone and sometimes you don't really mean them but in the heat of the moment they come out and you can't change it anymore, you are left alone with it, you are left alone with the feeling of being the hard one to someone but sometimes it helps someone to change it about their self but with Daniel and Sabrina it broke their relationship they had before, the trust they had before with each other is now gone all because of words they should have kept for themself.

Sabrina opens her bedroom door and puts on her clothes for the day her mother has planned for her, her mother has this thing that she needs to control Sabrina her life because once she hadn't her under control and look what it made her do, it made her leave the house and life with Christian who she left a few weeks later because she was doing playing with, she was done being the one who tries in a relationship that was made to break the moment they got together, the moment they both found each other attractive for too long.

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