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There's a room

In my heart with the memories we made

Took 'em down but they're still in their frames

There's no way I could ever forget, mmm

Never not ~ Lauv


Five years later

For me loving someone was a hard thing to do and it is still a hard thing for me to do but I got better on it the past few years, I haven't heard anyone from my past life in quit a long time now, it is still weird for me to not live in America anymore but it was for the best for me to leave my old life behind and just get my life figured out and that is exactly what I did the past few years. I have been thinking about everything I did in my life and sure I regret a lot of the things I did but I can only do one thing and that is not making them again. That is the biggest thing I learned from everything that happened the past few years.

"Emely I am on my way, don't worry about me not making it on time, I am going to be their one day earlier as everybody else, it is not because I live in a totally different time zone that I am going to be late to Hailey her fifth birthday." I hand my luggage to the lovely lady behind the desk who hasn't give me one smile since I came here to check-in, she sure doesn't love her job as much as I do. "It is easy to explain Emely, you are going to sleep right now and when you wake up tomorrow I will be next to your bed." I hear Emely chuckling on the other side of the call and I wave goodbye to the lady.

"As if I changed after the last time I saw you, you probably wished that but see I am still the old Sabrina who is funny to be around. Just admit it that you missed me." I hold my passport in front of the guy who is nicer as the first lady, it is early for everybody but I guess I am the only happy one, I am excited to see Hailey again, she grows up so fast and I am not always around to see her being the girl Emely tells me she is, she is kind of like me and that makes me love her more each time I see her, she is little old me. "I will call you when I am back, I love you." Emely mouths back an 'I love you' before she hangs up, Amy is one patient woman to live, be with her each day.

I start to scroll trough my social media before I feel a hand at my shoulder squeezing it a little bit. "Sabrina how are you doing? It has been so long since I last saw you." I turn around and look up to see Christian wearing sunglasses even tho the sun is not shining bright. "Christian what are you doing here?" I get up and give him a tight hug, it has been a long time since I last saw or heard him, he is a good guy who changed a lot in those past few years, he took therapy to talk about his problems and it helped him a lot. I did forgive him for everything he did to me but that doesn't mean I am ever going to forget that, forgiving and forgetting is totally different, believe me.

"I was in London for a meeting with some people here, it is weird you know being the boss of my own company now, I have dreamt of that since I was a little rich guy who wanted to be like his father. Since my father retired it has been a busy life for me, everybody is calling me for the little things happening in the office, I never saw the bad side of my father his job but now I get it why he was so tired all the time. It is not just sitting behind a desk calling some people if you feel like it, it is hard working and I really tought it would be easier. But it is better now since I got everything good and learned a lot from my father his experiences in this life."

"I am sorry for ranting to you but you are like the only person who has ever asked about it, not that you really asked it but I tought that is what you wanted to know." I lay my hand at his leg and stop the up and down movement he made the whole time, that is a bad habit of him, that he always does when he is nervous or is around people who gives him nerves. "Christian really I do care about you and your life and if you want to rant about the most useless things in your life than sure do that, I don't really mind that. You have done that for me when we talked every day, it shouldn't have been easy hearing me rant about my family and how much I hated that life."

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