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Deep down you know I ain't even worth it

Is not enough babe, all I do is make you cry

You deserve better ~ James Arthur


Sabrina never knew what to do with her emotions, she knows people need to know them and talk about them but for her it is weird to talk about them, her mother never told her she loved her before, her mother never talked about feelings with her so she was used to stay quiet about her feelings for people and that is the worst thing her mother learned her at a young age. 

Sabrina was too young to go against her own mother, the mother who should have been her example in life, she should have showed her that you need to be honest to people about your feelings and tell them the real feeling you have for them, it is hard for Sabrina to even admit to herself she is falling in love with Shawn but she tries to get the feelings she has around him by trying to be with him more from now on.

When he was at her house yesterday she didn't know how to react to him and how he was talking to her, she was jealous at him for saying his feelings for her without even thinking twice about them,it was like he was used to tell it and was not scared of her reaction, it was like he did it before and that was hard for Sabrina to get that some people can say their feelings without being scared of the other person their reaction, she wants to be more like Shawn in her own life.

Sabrina hears her alarm going again so she finally gets up, feeling the cold on her skin once she leaves her warm bed, she wants to stay home today but she should go to the coffee shop where she is going to meet up with Emely and Amy again for the first time in two months. It sure will be awkward for her but she wants to be friends with them again even tho it will be hard for her.

"Daniel where are you?" Sabrina tucks her flower shirt inside her ripped jeans while walking to the kitchen where she sees Daniel his back. "So you are finally awake, care to explain why a random guy was sleeping at our couch?" Sabrina looks at the person in front of Daniel wearing the same clothes he wore yesterday but with messy bed hair now, it looks cuter now, normally she runs away from him but now she can't because it is at her own house. 

"He couldn't leave the house super late at night last night so I let him sleep in the couch, why do you care so much you are just back home and I am not even asking where you were the whole night." Daniel shakes his head and smashes the table with his hand, giving a loud slam trough the house. "I am done with you being all protective over me, I am your older brother, I should take care of you and not the other way around."

Sabrina puts on her pink cardigan and high heels while looking at Shawn with a sorry look on her face, he just nods his head meaning he is fine with it, he has seen worse than this between sister and brother, I do hope. "Because I care about you Daniel, I am your sister and I was always the person who cleaned up your mess when you were too tired to even care about it. I am know as the worst person ever in our old house but maybe that is because I took all your faults over while you were too drunk to even care about them."

Daniel shakes his head and Sabrina sees Shawn getting out of his chair and takes his phone out of his pocket and points at it, he doesn't have a phone call but he just thinks it is better for him to leave this here because he has nothing to do here at this moment, it should be between the two of them. "I never asked you to clean up the mess I made, I was responsable for it and you always took care of it without me knowing it, I found out because dad told me that before the reception."

"You say you don't want to be like mom but you are close to become like her right now. You are cleaning up my mess when I don't ask about it and mom did the same to you all the time, she cleaned up your mess all the time and you didn't ask about it to, see you guys are the same as usual and I am done with it. I don't need to explain myself to you all the time, if I don't want to explain myself to you about what I did last night than I have every right not to you but you are like mom and you need to know every little detail about my life."

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