The Sound of Silence (Sniper)

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You wiped off your muddy combat boots as you stepped into his camper out of the blue rain. Lightening flashed as you slammed the door and soon after thunder sighed, shaking the camper.

Setting down your gun, you called for the man in question.

"Sniper? You here?"

With no immediate response you made your way to the front of the camper where you had last seen him. You had to be careful though, as there were no lights on and it was hard to navigate in the dark. You couldn't find the lantern the two of you left in here for late night reading together, so you moved using the thin cascades of teal light that shone through the rain-speckled windows.

You popped your head into the driving cabin and noticed only his dusty brown akubra sat on the seat. He was nowhere to be seen. You cocked an eyebrow and picked up his trusty hat. He never left anywhere without it, so why was it so nonchalantly sitting in the cabin?

Assuming the worst, you plopped the hat on your head and went back to grab your gun. Reloading it you creaked open the door of the camper and hopped out into the pouring rain, running towards the woods. That was the one place you knew he always ran away to when he was upset. Perhaps he was there now? You knew for a fact he wasn't in the base, everyone had already headed to their rooms for curfew.

As you ran your feet were sloshing in the mud and sliding around, and you fought to keep your balance. Something caught your ear though.

"In restless dreams I walked alone.. narrow streets of cobblestone.." Someone was singing. They weren't just singing anything, it was your favorite song! It was a sweet, melodic baritone sounding voice. Immediately you could tell it was Sniper, and you sighed happily, listening to him for a bit. You strained your ears and could hear a guitar strumming too. Sniper didn't know how to play the guitar too, did he?

Looking towards the sound you could see a faint glowing light. Of course! That is Sniper, he must've taken the lantern. You ran towards it.

A flash of neon light split the night and cracked, and thunder bellowed above you. In the naked light you saw the outline of a man in front of the light. You started forward, but with a squeal your foot slipped, and you fell backwards into squishy mud soaked leaves, skidding forwards and slamming into the tree behind where the man was.

The singing and guitar stopped, and you could hear a gun cock. Pulling yourself up you quickly stood, brushing yourself off. Looking back up your temple was met with cold hard steel.

"Don't shoot!" You shouted, tensing up.

"Mary mother of... (Y/n)?!" The gun moved away and Engineer sat there, dumbfounded. "Aren't you supposed to be in bed? It's past curfew, I coulda shot you!"

"I could ask you the same thing." You said with an unamused face. "Have you seen Sniper?"

"I'm right here love." You heard his voice and relaxed. You peeked around the tree to see him sitting by your lantern on a log. Taking in the details of his face- matted hair sparkling with drops of rain, unshaven 5 o'clock you thought was handsome, and his steel eyes looking up at you in greeting- you were happy to see him. But then you realized.

"Love..?" You repeated, mostly to yourself. He heard it, however.

"Errr, sorry (Y/n)." He looked embarrassed and you smiled, sitting down next to him. "Didn't say it was an unwelcome nick-name. Better than being called Booger Brains by Scout." As the two of you shared a laugh, Engineer sat down across from you both, taking a sip of a nearby beer bottle.

"Is there a reason you guys are out here so late? You could catch a cold." You asked. Sniper turned and plucked his hat off your head, placing it on his own. Cold air immediately flooded your head and you frowned.

"Not with this hat on, I won't. Thanks for bringing it to me." He smirked at your annoyed face. Engineer cleared his throat.

"Well, I'm gonna head on back to base. I've gotta, uhm.." his eyes danced around and he caught sight of his guitar, "I've gotta tune this bad boy up for our next spontaneous singing session." You nodded and Sniper hummed an okay.

"I'll see y'all in the morning!" Engineer called over his shoulder as he, guitar in hand, walked into the consuming shadows of the trees. You turned to Sniper.

"Why are you really out here, though?" You asked. "Spontaneous singing session doesn't seem like you."

"Well, to be honest, I wanted to impress a certain lady." He looked at you and you didn't get it at first. Why was he looking at you like that?

"Oh." It came to you. He wanted to impress you... That's why he was singing your favorite song earlier. A grin grew on your face and you spoke. "Well, that 'lady' is a very lucky woman."

He chuckled, yawning and stretching. His yawn was contagious and soon you found yourself yawning. However, when you finished yawning, you noticed a new weight on your shoulders, and a comforting scent of cinnamon and pine. His arm had draped around you while you weren't looking and you grinned.
"You sneaky frog, I ought to start calling you Spy." You snuggled closer into his warm side.

"But you've gotta agree, I'm a lot more handsome than him, right?" He looked down at you for approval.

"Sure, whatever." You said contentedly.

"Wow, I'm hurt, Sheila." He mused.

"What happened to calling me love, hmm?" You said. You glanced upwards to see him looking away embarrassed. You smirked.

"Besides, from what I heard, I think your singing is very handsome. You may not be a French romantic, but you're still amazing in my book." You felt his chuckle reverberate against you. "Would you mind singing for me?" He glanced at you shocked.

"Without background music? No way. I sound terrible."

As if on cue Engineer cut through the bushes just before you could protest.

"Forgot my beer, sorry love birds." He walked over to the log he was sitting on earlier to snatch it whilst Sniper and you got flustered.

"Love birds...?!" Sniper sputtered and you laughed.

"Well, I don't think we're quite there.." Sniper said. Looking up at him he winked, whispering "yet," with a smile. Feeling the color rising in your cheeks you looked away with a beam.

"Well, don't let me interrupt then." Engineer said, laughing at Sniper's tomato face.

"Hey, Engie, before you go," you called, Engineer turning on his heel to face you, "Would you mind staying for a bit? I want to hear Sniper sing." Engineer beamed.

"You got it, darling."

Sniper sighed and you put your hand on his shoulder.

"Are you fine with that, Snipes?" He looked at you, lips turning upwards.

"Anything for you, love."

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