Romeo (Blu! Spy X Red!Reader)

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Requested by The_Dead_Ender!

You sat next to your brother, sighing and sinking into the bench like jelly. Looking up at him you noticed his circular glasses sliding towards the end of his nose as he was buried in the day's damage report on the team's health. You sighed again, this time louder. Giving a groan you hit the back of your head against the wall and he slid his gaze towards your pathetically slumped form. You sighed so loud your lungs shook.

"Something the matter, (Y/n)?" His monotone voice spoke up after a few minutes of watching you exasperatingly sigh and throw hands trying to get his attention.

"Yes! Obviously!" You exclaimed, sitting up on the bench. Medic grumbled. He had brought you to the base many years ago as a backup medic but didn't think he'd ever get annoyed by you constantly bugging him. The two of you had grown up on good enough terms, but.. He considered you very childish, even all grown up, especially at times like these.

"Well, whatever is it," Medic asked, setting down his clipboard, "that bothers you so?" He mock-gasped, leaning in. "Is it your... Secret affair..?!" You laughed.

"Actually, a little, yeah... It's our anniversary tomorrow." Medic was genuinely shocked.

"How many times have I told you this 'fun' you have going on is not safe!" He set down his clipboard and stood, arms behind his back, pacing, growing angry and losing his previous jocularity. "I mean, what kind of Medic are you, sneaking between bases with this, this BLU! I know mutter raised you better und you are on thin ice with the administrator as it is,"

"Stop!" You cut him off with a glare. "I need to get him a present! You're a boy, you know what guys like, so what should I get him?" He halted mid rant, pausing and looking at you quizzically.

"He's your boyfriend. I don't go around buying men gifts." You face palmed.

"I mean what kind of gift would you be happy receiving?" He laughed.

"You're asking the wrong person, liebe." Organs. He'd ask for organs. You knew him like the back of your hand, and you inwardly groaned. "Try asking our Spy. Better yet, ask your lover-boy instead."

"I can't ask him what he wants. That would ruin the surprise!" Surprise...


You jumped up.

"I know exactly what to do for him!" And with that you were gone. Medic opened his mouth to speak, then closed it, shaking his head. One day you were going to get in a lot of trouble for this, and he'd laugh.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

You giddily hopped foot to foot in place outside the RED team's weapon garage, shafts of moonlight peaking through the trees, dappling the cool pavement. Was it nerves or were you cold? You couldn't tell. Everything was jittery. Maybe you really were nervous. What if he doesn't like surprises? Nonsense. Who doesn't like surprises? But what if he wants a fancy dinner or something hoity toity instead? You'd known him long enough to know he does have expensive tastes.

A rustle in the bushes made your heart jump and stomach drop and all your nerves came rushing forward, and when he stepped out you felt your face flush as you smiled.

"(Y/n)!" Spy greeted warmly. You noticed one hand was in his blue suit pocket, the other lifted behind his back. He wasn't wearing his mask and he looked handsomer than ever, 5'oclock shadow around his chiseled jaw, familiar steel eyes and dark hair with gray streaks prominent in the dim light. You felt yourself get all warm and fuzzy looking at him.

"Hi handsome." You purred. He strode over to you, pulling his arm out from behind his back, revealing a present. He gave you a hug and you buried your head in his neck, smelling the lingering scent of cologne.

"I do believe today is a special day." He held out the gift with a smile, breaking the embrace. "Go on, open it."

Taking the gift you ripped the delicate blue wrapping off and tossed it aside to reveal a box.

"Wow a box! I've always wanted one, how did you know?" Spy smirked and you giggled, opening the box. Inside was a black jewelry case, and upon opening that you found a thin silver chain with (f/c) diamonds bejeweling the heart shaped pendant.

"Wow," you breathed, "this looks expensive.." Spy nodded and slipped it out of the box and over your head so you wore it around your neck.

"Only the best for my love."

You felt your nerves return upon realizing it was your turn to reveal your gift. You walked over to the garage, grabbed the handle and lifted it, revealing the dark room. Spy raised an eyebrow. He walked over to the garage, staring into the emptiness.

"You got me a garage?" You laughed and turned on the lights.

"Surprise!" You shouted, throwing out your arms in jazz hands. You watched with glee as his eyes widened and he grinned.

"(Y/n)!" He exclaimed, taking it in.

There were streamers everywhere adorning all aspects of the dimly lit room, a disko ball shining from the ceiling sending beams of multicolored light cascading around in circles. The rainbow hue spiraled over chips and dip on a small table, (f/food), streamers all over the floor and walls, and a small radio with disks piled next to it in the corner.

"Happy anniversary!" You said. Spy couldn't contain himself at this and turned around, grabbing you in a very close hug. So close you could feel the warmth in his chest against your chest, his heart pounding against yours.

"Ah, (Y/n), this is why I love you..." his face was buried in your hair and his hands behind your back, slowly trailing down.

"Spy!" You gasped, feeling a sharp pinch. You could feel his chuckle reverberate from his chest as the two of you broke away, and he slipped his hand under yours delicately, guiding you into the room.

"Let's have a fun night..." You felt your face flush as he spun you and dipped you, holding you at an angle with his strong arms. You looked at his lips and back at him before he leant down, closing the distance between you two passionately.

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