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[ one: resurrection ]

TWO LIFELESS EYES were the only thing peeking through the cloth wrapped around her.

In the bandage the small girl had died, neck snapped, left to waste away for six hours until the assassins found her corps.

On the wooden plank, she was slowly being lowered to her resurrection.

The girl was splashed into the green waters as the Lazarus Pit worked away.

An ear piercing scream roared throughout the cave, she rose to the surface, the bandages melting away.

Fear flashing through her eyes, the cold lifeless feeling dawned on her and she realized she'd been dead.

Her tears mixed with the water of The Pit.

Help me! Please someone!

She splashed to the rocky shores and crawled out. Two masked women came to the aid of the naked girl and wrapped her with towels.

Those amber eyes once lifeless became swollen red as she shivered in the arms of the women.

Her memories were blurred but her death had been crystal clear, a man with a wispy beard, chaotic grey eyes and a wrinkled forehead, leaned over, cupping her face, trying to kiss her forehead instead went and snapped her neck.

She'd been left for dead on the shores of a rocky beach.

The girl had slipped through Deaths fingers.

She'd been brought to a room, filled with different priceless objects, her hair had been brushed, oil had been poured onto her and she's been given a silk night gown.

A second life.

A new name.

A new identity.

SHE WAS NO LONGER who she used to be, now she was Anastasia.

Although it wouldn't be the only time she'd be taking a swim in the pool of immortality.

She became one of them, a cold hearted assassin, a merciless killer, cruel and shellfish.

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