[ xvi ]

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[ sixteen : for charity ]

Bruce Wayne was holding one of his annual charity galas and tonight's the guest would be bringing in spring while supporting the sick kids hospital in Gotham.

The young boy waited with his father figure as their attention was on the girl walking down the grand stair case.

Her hair had been curled, her lips gently covered with a nude gloss and her blush-pink dress went down to her knees.

The young boy was taken aback, he was used to seeing her sweaty and straight from a fight, the change of scenery was different but in a good way.

As she walked back, tracing the railing with her fingertips, he knew, he knew he could never let her go.

"All ready, Anastasia?" The billionaire asked, standing tall, proud of his two "children."

"Yes, Bruce, when will the people be arriving?" She moved her head to the side to look at the door but no one was there. "Soon." He replied.

Anastasia has already added several other charity events with Bruce Wayne and she had started to look forward to them. "What about you, Jason? Are you ready?" Bruce turned his head to face the young boy, unlike Anastasia, it was Jason's first gala and he didn't seem to like it.

He didn't like the idea of dressing up in fancy cloths and having to talk to sophisticated grownups, what thirteen year old boy would.

He shrugged and crossed his arms as he looked away. Bruce bent over and brought his arms down, fixing Jason's blush-pink tie. Something a father would do for his son.

He wasn't used to someone looking out for him, Jason pushed Bruce away and loosened the tie.

"This is so stupid! Why do we have to wear matching outfits?!" Bruce and Anastasia were taken aback.

Bruce started him down and Anastasia began to get angry. "They aren't stupid," she said under her breath as Jason messed up the collar of his white button up shirt.

Jason continued to complain, "what am I? Five years old?!" Anastasia was steaming, her hands became first and she screamed off the top of her lungs, "the outfits aren't stupid, you are!" To her it was the comeback of the century.

Jason rolled his eyes, "look who's taking, this was probably your dumb-" he was going to continue before Anastasia stepped in.

"Fine!" She huffed, "if you don't want to wear matching outfits I'll change!"

Swiftly, she turned around and stomped up the stairs.

"When she comes down, I'd like you to apologize." Bruce said, looking unimpressed with Jason and again the young boy rolled his eyes. "Whatever, I don't have to say anything to her."

Bruce's jaw locked, he was beginning to get angry with the boy, "I wasn't asking. You. Will. Apologize."

As the thirteen year old girl smashed her frets against the steps, she left the two boys at the end of the grand stair case.

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