Chapter II: City of Beginning

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A lump of ore suspended mid air constantly changing its shape. From its hard surface to its inner core it turned to liquid forming exquisite shapes. Minutes later the furnished product turned to a long thin silver rectangular object.


A young man sighed after hours of continues work. His pale facial expression says he didn't sleep and had been working overnight. His short black hair seemed rugged because of overwork. But his bright blue eyes still contained its luster as it watch the silver rectangular object with interest.

He pick up the rectangular object and place on a table along with other parts large and small specifically lined up. After checking all parts had been created the young man nodded in satisfaction. He sat down in a chair that's been overly familiar to him this pass month. His hands move in practiced motion, picking up the parts lined up the table. He attaches the parts one by one to each other swiftly like a walk in the park.  Just a minute later all parts had been attached and assembled.

Looking closely any person living in Emidome will see the finished product the young man had been creating seems to the same as the Enforcer is carrying while on patrol, a gun. Yes a gun, an Anti-material Rifle (AMR). But not just an ordinary AMR, this time because they're inside a VR (Virtual Reality) the game world anything is possible, as long as someone has materials and knowledge they can create anything. But of course it goes with how great a person's skill is and other supporting elements.

After his work the young man begun to tidy up his work table when someone barge in, in his work room.

"Rhon! How many times do I have to tell you that sleep is a necessity in the human body!"

A girl with an allure of a woman brazenly shouted at the young man named Rhon. Her ash gray eyes squinted narrowly but then it loosened immediately after Rhon scratches his head and smiled wryly.

Rhon could only apologize sincerely this time after ignoring her advice all this time. But after giving it some thought, Rhon still couldn't understand why this silver haired girl Wensis accompanied him this pass month and acting like a companion. He couldn't help reminisce the pass event of their meeting.

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1 month ago.

City of Beginning

A bustling street and a crowded plaza. This is the first sight Rhon saw after his consciousness was swallowed by a bluish bright light. The setting seems to be in medieval age era. Rhon could see men in noble clothing and peasants around. The transportation is by carriage or wagon, he even saw a beautiful young haughty noble lady  reprimanding a unlucky peasant boy that stumbled blocking an elegant carriage. Now the unlucky peasant boy is being led by some guards for execution.

If Rhon is a person whose brain is only full justice then he would surely jump in the trouble right now to save the boy without thinking of the consequences. Luckily he is an open minded person not bound by the so called virtue.
Even if this is a game, no it is precisely because this a game that caution is done in every move.

"You never know what those game developers have prepared so I'll need to think this through. Specially since once you die in this world it's game over. you have to look for another game to play. I have no time for that."

Let's say Rhon help the boy, but with just what he had in him. A beginner and a level 1 novice without any strength at all. His head will surely roll over besides the decapitated head of the unlucky peasant boy.

So justice without strength is nothing but a foolish ideology.

The mother of the unlucky peasant boy immediately pleaded for mercy but the young noble lady actually even asked the guards for the mother's arrest. Saying "the sins of son is a sin of the mother". Now the father could only greet his teeth and clench his fist swearing for revenge someday as the mother and child be taken away.

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