Side Story I: Under the Starry Night Sky

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>>Rhon POV<<

Almost entirely a month huh? Time does fly fast.
Time advanced at twelve times the rate of the real world. In other words, one day in the game equals two real world hours. Then two days just pass outside.

Engineering Personnel should have a meeting on the 3rd day. I kinda feel bad as their chief engineer not attending but, I already assigned all works respectively to my subordinates. There is not much work anyway with the AI doing most of the work. Maintaining a whole Fleet. What a bothersome job.

[How is it? Finished with what you're doing?]

I was preoccupied with my thoughts and my hands already stop moving. Al move and sat down beside me on the couch.

I've always been wondering, what is the use of the other couch on the other side. Al deems it to be only for decorations I guess. Always sitting beside me in this cramped 2 meter long couch. Yes, I felt my personal territory being invaded.

[No not yet but I'll finish soon.]

My hands started working again. And Al watch with interest like she always did.

I look like an arm's dealer in this. The Commerce Guild set a quota of guns. And I'm currently on the last part assembling it to finish product after an exhausting work in making it.

With this number of guns I'm making it will be enough for an uprising. You know cause even normal citizens (the NPC's) can use one, all they need to do is point and pull the trigger.

Ha ha.. no way. I'm over thinking things again.

I took a quick glance on Al.

Is it just me being to self conscious? I could have been sure she's been staring at me all along. But it must have been my imagination.

The silence may have been bored her or it's just she likes to talk. She ask some questions.

[Did the guild offered a promotion?]

The guild? She must be asking the Commerce Guild I joined recently.

[Yes, or more like their giving me leadership to the Innovation department. Mr. Clark personally handed me his position.]


[I accepted of course]

[Not that! Aren't they just doing that because they want to rope you in. The moment they learned your superb skill in Transmutation all their previous attitudes turned 180°. Their just using you, are you okay with that?]

She's worried about me? Is spring coming already? Oh stop that, your ridiculing yourself, me. She's just saying those words cause it fits the situation, I shouldn't misunderstand.

[Even if I know, I can't anything do anything about it.]

Well it's a fair trade for me. The Commerce Guild provides everything I need. As long as I produce results I could take as many things in their warehouse. It's a privileged I acquired as the head of my Department.

I only bought a few skills with me related to my own survival.

Transmutation skill is in the novice level so I pick that as my main skill. Meaning Transmutation is what I focused upgrading. It's what I'm good at anyway.

In case you don't know, Transmutation skill is a very hard to use. Or in the eyes of others it looked like only as a parlor tricks to them. Can't blame them because after I came here, I learned that Transmutation skill is only use such as creating vases, furnitures and decorations. It can also be use building houses but there's the Earth magic users more profound in making sturdy castle walls and forts.

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