Guilds and Church's

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In the whole of FDO, in its earliest time the Gods/Goddesses roamed desolating the lands waging wars with their peers to claim the title of 'Sole Ruler' . From the beginning there's no concepts of good and evil Gods. All were tainted with death and Deities blood.

With the passing of time the Sole Ruler had been abandoned and forgotten. The ancient Gods battled to extinction and the newly Gods that replaced them got no ambition becoming the Sole Ruler. Instead more interested building their own dominion. They created their own races then change the lands, filled with green and life. Living in harmony the races united and one. In honor of their reverence the Gods sends down their blessings. In future term that would be the skill.

The peace continued on... But the Cataclysm happened. One person of a race started attacking others indiscriminately. Then followed by another like a chain reaction. This is when the Qisma (players) arrived. Qisma- meaning the one who controls  fate.

The Gods descended to cleanse this abomination but dew to the law they made themselves. Their powers restricted. Adding the fact that these Gods underestimated there opponent, they died at the hands of mortals the Qisma's. With the plunder skill they were robe of their powers and dominions replacing them to their throne.

Then the introduction of churches came. Converting the Orjen's to a fanatical devoted believers.

Orjen- the people of the land or the NPC's.

With the qisma Gods turning their attentions to something else the qisma mortals created the Guild system.

And the most prominent Guilds that had risen were;

Adventurers Guild (AG)
Commerce Guild (CG)
Thieves and Assassins Guild (TAG)
Player Killer Guilds (PKG)

Thieves and assassins were separated at first but it merged because of a certain someone.

The adventures guild, to sum it up do the odd jobs and whatnot. While the Commerce Guild controlled the flow of currency, the Trades, provisions and support. The Thieves and assassins guild reputed by their underhanded action kept in the shadows.
While all three stated above is as one entity, one organized association. The PKG's doesn't have an entity that ruled over them. Becoming more worst than the TAG. A disorderly mob.

Though, Adventures Guild has the God of Justice and other minor Gods backing them. And the Evil Gods backing the Thieves and Assassins Guild. The Commerce Guild has none.
Instead it was governed by multiple people. The Heavenly Kings. On par with the Gods strength. What's more is, opposing the CG meant provisions, supplies, supports will be banned to the person or a group. If it's a kingdom. Their trade to other countries will be impeded. Because the CG controlled merchants and the like. An economic collapse is inevitable.

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