Chapter V: Escape

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His danger sense is fully kicking in. Rhon could almost feel a tremendous evil coming from the stranger, his presence alone could instill fear.

Rhon nearly succumb to his fear but thankfully he hold on. Saying he doesn't want to leave now because of Al is most likely a lie. But part of his conscience didn't let him to.

His opponent is a very crafty man. Rhon can certainly say after observation. He got a feeling once he step outside the formation, something will happen to him.

So he made up a decision to face him head on. Though the chance of his survival is most likely zero.

"Now... What will you do...?"

Lovecraft asked, he smiled wickedly as if he already knows his next move.

"Rhon! Don't care about me and leave now!

And Al shouted in despair but her eyes betrayed her words. There's a hint of longing in her eyes, expectation for him to help.

"If you say so"

Rhon casually uttered then jump to the gap leading outside. He isn't foolish enough to confront someone else in his turf. Leveling his transmutation skill this pass month is not all he did. Rhon also gathered all informations necessary for his survival. That's also the reason why he stick around with Al, a veteran player and a hard core gamer.


A dumbfounded reaction leak out from Al, still could not believe what had transpired.

Lovecraft on the other hand grinned broadly. Then broke into a laughter filled with amusement and satisfaction.

The moment Rhon step outside the formation he immediately took out his weapons. A handgun on each hand modeled from the Desert Eagle, a great weapon from its time. On his right is the crimson colored pyr and on his left is the glossy white is, both name derived from its original word fire and ice respectively.

Just as Rhon thought. Several men in red robes surrounded him immediately, six men in total.

Pawns, that's what they are. And Rhon knew it immediately. Not having the same presence as the man he met earlier. He was confident of himself he could take them all.

Though Rhon is akin to a sheltered brat that had no experienced in a fight exactly because he live as an engineer. He is an open minded person, adapting to this game world didn't took him long enough. He could easily kill anyone if his life is threatened.

No hint of hesitation Rhon pulled the trigger.

An explosion occurred soon followed by a frozen sight.

The six men in red robes was taken by surprise. Three of their companion was taken out in an instant. One was frozen encase in ice while the other one exploded taking the other guy by his side as collateral.

pyr and is, a pair of enchanted weapon Rhon recently made when he advance to Adept along with the Anti-Matter Rifle (AMR). Special bullets were made each with its own effect.

Even though the men in red robes were surprise at first. It didn't take long before they regained themselves. They underestimated their opponent earlier but not now.

"Earth bound!"
"Ice javelin!"

Spells in the intermediate level coming his way.


But one month seems to be a less experience for him in this game world. He still got caught from the claws of the enemy. His feet bound by earth, Rhon awaits his death.

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