Chapter XI: Cthulu Mythos Part VI

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Ruins of Aldhanzia

Silent Wing Sect underground shrine.

Illuminated by torch and crystal lights. The figure of Rhon in a devastated state missing a hand and an eye. And Al facing him like a doll, no hint of emotion at all.

Contemplating what he will do now, Rhon is at lost. Whether to kill her for revenge or keep her like that for satisfaction. Which means keep her alive because guilt in killing her will remain clinging over him. Not what you dear readers are thinking right now x).
Rather than get angry at her his thoughts is now "It's my fault falling for her traps" so he can't stomach killing her nor taking her as slave no, puppet.

Rhon live his life an engineer pursuing knowledge and new ideas turning him much like those scientists who do things good or evil. So he can't condemn Al who use atrocious methods pursuing strength. Much like her, tainted with blood seeking for that cherished desire.

Affected by his father's upbringing he grew up to stand own his own. Paying the price of his own choice not by others. His father once said to him "listen Rhone, decide things your own but don't cry blaming others if you got trick because of it. It's your fault being tricked. Do you understand?". It's not what a proper father should say in a peaceful era but their situation is not like in the pass. Though, he didn't know what's it like living on Planet Earth, things mentioned by his father from time to time. He understood his father's words, that all move and choices must be calculated first then decide for a proper action and face the consequences firmly.

Lost in thoughts Rhon didn't notice the shadow lurking behind. Or probably because the persons concealment skill is just that good. The level of Rhon can't sense it.

Eventually the person lurking in the shadows showed himself. Wearing a dark red cloak like a dried up blood. A shawl covering part of his face as usual.

"I would appreciate it... if you'll return the priestess to me."

He said in a crisp voice.


Rhon only uttered a word, his name.

"Hmm? ...Your not surprised... did you perhaps expected me...?"

"Many things just suddenly happened. After experiencing such things, I won't be surprised of another one."

"Hoho~~ calm as always... A man of your... caliber, is rare indeed..."

"Is that a praise? I won't thank you though."

"Ha ha Hahaha..."

Lovecraft burst into laughter. It seems like he found Rhon's reaction amusing.

"You're mad."

Rhon replied with a frown. Lovecraft's twisted personality goes beyond what he imagined.

"Is that a complement...? I thought you'll never thank me..."

Rhon knows that this man is just playing with him so he went back on the topic. Replying his first sentence.

"Why do want her back that badly? Cthulu Mythos cult isn't short of a priestess. In fact you are mass producing them, converting every female you can find."

"Watch your tongue... boy! I may not be lenient... And kill you on the spot."

This time Rhon step on landmine. A burst of ferocious killing intent surged forth. But showing a sign of fear will only endanger his life so he stand his ground.

"Kill me and Al will remain like this forever."

"Don't think you can... Threaten me... Boy..."

"Try me"

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