Total Chaos

26 3 9

Okay, let's end the boring chapters. We March! *insert BGM* To WAAARRR!!!

It's kinda rush, so no editing happened. ^^

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If one soldier fell then replaced by the one at his back. If he died, another will take his position. It will stay like that like an endless cycle until no more soldiers are available to continue the fight. The battle now is not a battle of attrition, but a war for annihilation.

The Desolate World or the Barren Wasteland. A place where the strong devour the weak! Filled with history of nothing but conflicts and struggle. A place with not a passing night, bloods were shed like rivers. A setting made by FDO committee for hard core players or people with screw loose on their brain as the Game Developers call them. Because complaints flooded non-stop, saying the game is to easy. It hit their nerves. And so an update soon began then came the desolate world, detached from civilization and the surface world. Located just beneath the surface world where the sun rises.

Here at this barren wasteland no sun lighted the land. But instead a dark red moon watches over them turning the whole place more sinister than the blood thirsty inhabitants. It also has its own sky with stars of lesser glint. With no sun, the days pass all shrouded in darkness. The gateway to the surface is still hidden, concealed. The FDO deliberately set it like that. For once this players reach the surface. They know it's gonna be a wreck havoc.

In here players begin with no magic nor physical strength. Just a normal average person. And the skills learned is hard to level up. You need to grind and grind. But if you succeed the fruits of labor is tremendous. And also because of the situation of the desolate world, immunity to magic and physical attack will be added as a passive skill. If the players grow that is. Thrown to a survival of the fittest mode. It's the leeway the FDO committee added as a price of the players that survive.

How's that! The Game Developers said with a smug face after completion. But outside of their expectations, the players have a very positive feedback. Saying... "Games are supposed to be like this!" "This suffering! More!" "The demoness commander is to sadistic! Wooo!" "Add a whip!" "Killing your superior to climb the rank. It's the best!" They replied with many more that cause the Game Developers to sigh in resignation thinking these people can't be save no more.

Barren wasteland and the surface world have the same races. Just the condition of the races underground is different than the surface.

Of the thousand players mix in the inhabitants of the barren wasteland only four players manage to beat the game. Gaining the title Four Underworld Kings. A polar opposite of the Heavenly Kings in the surface.

Separating the barren wasteland into four territories. With four supreme beings guiding the inhabitants and still surviving players, the battle intensified turning to all out war.

Since all four mentioned are all battle maniac from the beginning all races were drag in. Turning it to total chaos.

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Rampaging with a glaive in hand with a half meter razor blade, Aeon butchered his enemies ripping their bodies apart. Entrails scattered and blood tainted his armor. One soldier can't stomach the brutality happening like it's an everyday life. He crouch down and let out his innards he ate.

Ignoring his weakling soldiers Aeon push forth.

"Slaughter them all! Stop and I'll kill you myself!"

He barked to his soldiers aloud.
Hearing his words, the staggering exhausted soldiers of his revive full of strength. Fear clouded their eyes, not to their enemies but to their lord their king. Fighting again in a frenzy. They receive wounds here and there but as if not feeling any pain they slaughtered their enemies.

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On a pitched up tent not far from the battlefield. An elegant beauty, dress up with loose clothing, fabrics God knows why it was made to reveal her attractive parts of her body. A stray flower in the middle of a war. But all her subordinates around her knows to never let her charm affect or say, corrupt their minds. For they know all to well that the fall of their previous lord their king had fallen because of it.

"Ohoho~~ Aeon is on a rampage again. That muscle headed freak. Tell the soldiers to ignore him and focus on annihilating his soldiers under him."

Shea lazily ordered her subordinates. Taking a nap again on her cozy bed her subordinates prepared. Her trusted subordinates, knowing full well of her character. They prepared it in advance.

What's happening right now is a battle between two underworld kings.
Aeon- a Warbeast who storm the rank of kings with brute force alone. Said to be the strongest if physical strength is to talk about.

Shea- a Minx, a demon race with the appearance of a human. Their only identification is their short growing horn on their forehead. She used to be a lowly servant under the previous underworld king but through her schemes, she usurped the throne. Unifying her kingdom with a thorough purges.

With a leak of information that a underworld king has fallen Aeon march his soldiers for the opportunity to conquer territory. But was met with a unified army under a new underworld king.

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Changing location, at the castle Dour. The main base of the underworld king, Xen Rey. A youth affiliated with the extinct race Draig. Widely known in books for their crimson hair and eternal youthful appearance. Since human is the common well accepted form. They shapeshift and took human appearance. Though, almost all races have the appearance of humans in the first place.

Dress in dark tunic embroidered with gems and crimson threads. He tread lightly to the guest room. Xen Rey ignored the other kings squabble and took his interest to his guests who introduce himself as a dweller in the surface. The guards opened the door with reverence. Inside seated a man with his boots on the table, acting much like his own house. By his side is a hooded person standing like a loyal servant. Through a clear observation he surmised it to be a girl but not likely. Base on her slim stature. Even with a cloak, it can be seen clearly. Or possibly Xen Rey having great observation skill.

At first glance, Xen Rey immediately know the man is different. His complexion better than his. The inhabitants of desolate world is much paler cause by the nonexistent sun.

"So what does a surface dweller want? No, let me rephrase that. Who are you, and how did you get here?"

Getting on point of the topic, not wasting around with pleasantries. A known character of Xen Rey.

"How I got here will be carefully talk later on. But let me introduce myself first. Ren, Kazuki Ren at your service your majesty "

The man replied, his ash gray eyes glint a flash of ploy.

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-till next time

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