Chapter III: A stroll in the woods

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Faurlon outskirt.

Inside the deepest part of the forest stood a two meter tall four legged creature with two heads and two tails. Its dark color blending in the pitch black darkness. Only a pair of crimson luster glows piercing through the dark.

It stood there proudly dominating its territory. The creature identified as Krebel, an A rank beast. A subjugation request put at the highest qualification quest in the adventurers guild. A Krebel can wipe out an entire party below B rank, and a party of two rank A is needed to successfully kill it.

A beam of red light flash hitting the creature then ruptured from the inside creating a tremendous explosion. Bloods and entrails scattered, splattering on nearby trees and grasses. A rank A beast, Krebel that terrified adventurers and the masses died just like that. Spells and swords couldn't even wound it but a small beam of light ended its life.

A hundred meters away from the explosion two human figures could be seen in crouch position underneath a stack of logs. A long piece of some kind silver metal protruding from cover releasing a faint red lights. Moving his eye off the scope and releasing his finger from the trigger a young man breaths a sighed of relief.

"Well done Rhon, keep this up and you'll level up in no time."

The other person next to him is Al, she spoke up still holding the binocular she used to observe the targets explosion. Although there's the skill called farsight she much enjoyed using the binocular Rhon made as a set for the sniper rifle. A satisfied cheerful smile showed on her face making Rhon feeling embarrassed a bit.

"W-Well it's the only thing I'm good at so it's nothing."

"Yeah, you sucked at hand to hand combat and you're also not good in fighting using spells."

Rhon could only laugh wryly at Al's stabbing words. But her next sentence push his lowering confidence to the top.

"But your skills in Transmutation is top notch. It's my first time seeing a hand made gun in this level. Normally guns were outclassed by magic because spells are more convenient than guns. But what you made can clash head on to a higher grade spells."

Al's usual full of praises made Rhon even redder but suppressed it and only replied by an appreciative smile.

The Krebel is now dead so there's a need to collect the spoils but looking at the gruesome scene not even the tooth nor impregnable hide can be harvested.

"I only use it as an experiment but using rupture as an ammo is not suitable for hunting. I guess I'll switch back to usual."

His newly created stack of ammo he called rupture is only one of the many type of ammo Rhon use. The sniper rifle he created that fires laser beams is a cutting edge weapon specified in all sort of munitions. His knowledge about guns and as a geek in engineering nothing is impossible for him to create. Just raising his level in Transmutation he'll unlock new perks. And if he got a suitable enough material Rhon can even create an airship with a model use in the colony.

As an Engineer in Emidome of course even classified things is open to him. The defense system of the hive ships, its weaponry, the core that fuels it, the AI system. They engineered all those things. That's also the reason why the regulation is so strict. Almost no contact from the outside world. Of course only with his fathers connection did he had the chance to take part on it.

It's also the main reason why he chose the Alvz race. Speaking of Alvz race, FDO set it like this.

A thousand years ago in the continent of Alvana. A place where the Alvz took root. The root of all innovation they were called. The continent grew in power in terms of technology and the arcane art. Their wisdom and knowledge led them to glory and the peak but it is also what cause them to their own downfall. One night! The Alvz empire vanished. Obliterated in the face of the land.
Rumors said the Gods feared them and the demon lords coveted their power. And some say it was internal struggle. Year XXXXX the Alvs race became extinct.

After Rhon read the history of the Alvs. A notification emerged on his screen.

Quest: Find out traces and the true reason of the Alvs extinction.

That happened but even as a fellow Alvz Rhon got no energy to spare looking for clues. His only main reason playing FDO is to find his family. So he leave it to the other fellow human that pick the Alvz race. Since he thought the quest is mainly for Alvz race only. Little did he know Alvz isn't a popular pick because of its low fighting capability and its main abilities is for crafters, a very hard to level up skills, and not even totally useful as a support.

There's even a high chance that Rhon is the only Alvz playing in FDO.

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After hunting and finally satisfied from his test of new ammo. Rhon and Al is now taking a walk out of the forest. Logically they could just use the skill teleport straight to the center of the city, Xena. But because of Al being persistent to take a stroll for a while. Rhon came to a compromise and now they are returning on foot.

Rhon now gets what this wensis wants. A boy and a girl strolling in the forest may be not be romantic as it sounds but Al seems to enjoy it.

Faurlon Outskirts to Xena city is just a 3 hours walk. And the moment they are tired they can just teleport so no harm in trying.

Monsters lurking around is no big deal to them, or to Al precisely. Being a Moon Elf herself. She excels in close quarter combat. Adding her profession as an assassin none can scape her sense. With Rhon as a support and the path back to Xena being cleansed by adventurers almost everyday there's nothing to worry about.

"So why are you here in this city? I mean with your current level you can explore any continent you want."

Rhon asked confusely. With Al's assassin Rank at the Master level staying here will only impede her growth.

"...Do I really have to answer that one?"

Al answered back with a wavering voice.

Noticing the hint of hesitation Rhon immediately retracts his words.

"Y-You don't have to tell me if you don't want to. I had no other intentions, just curious that's all."

The Wensis broke to a light laugh at his flustered reaction.

Al then smiled sweetly and gave a prompt reply.

"I have been curious on what love is. I've live my life hearing and reading how great love can affect a person. I have even encountered a situation where a man sacrificed his all to the woman he loves. So I thought I wanna experience being in love even once."

Rhon felt flabbergasted as the Wensis openly revealed her inner thoughts with a straight face. No sense of lie but full of sincerity.

With Rhon's train of thoughts "is it all right for me to hear it? No, base on her attitude this pass month it's her character to spout out things so easily like that. She's a girl with straight forward character after all.".

Noticing the silence and looking at Al's expecting stare. Rhon subconsciously utter a reply.

"Well good luck with that."

Because conversing is one of the many things Rhon didn't excel at in socializing. He can't immediately form a proper reply. Rhon asking questions earlier is him trying his best because he felt awkward with just Al speaking all the time. As a man he still got his pride not to be outdone.

Al eyed him suspiciously. Her ash gray eyes squinted narrowly. After she confirmed his words absent of lies. Thrusting out her tender soft lips she pouted and turned with a "hmnpf!"

Al furiously stomped her feet walking away.

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Please at least complain if you don't want to praise me. Yup, I'm that good. In what? x)))

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