Chapter VI: Cthulu Mythos: Part I

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The clock hanged by the wall ignored the plight of the young lady pacing back and forth in her room. Continuing its job not caring at all.

It's already dust when the wensis notice it, that she's been holed up in her room for 3 hours.

In the other part of the house at the basement, renovated for the Alvenian's exclusive use. Rhon, the master of the house is currently buried in his work. After an encounter with a strange powerful being (Lovecraft) he got the urge to upgrade or add more to his arsenal.

It's not that the strange behavior of Al didn't bother him but it won't go to the point of forcing her to talk.

Strangely he thought, "she'll eventually try talking to me by tonight".

Night came, after dinner the fidgeting sight of Al appeared in Rhon's view.

Their dinner was rather normal, Rhon cooked, a beef stroganoff, swiss steak and added with some red wine completing their appetite.

They both ate it in silence though and Al was calm at that time.

But soon after they finished Al seems to want to talk to him but words won't come out. Cutely moving hers tender pink lips up and down.

Rhon let the droids he created clean the table and the dishes then ushered Al to the living room.

The wensis meekly followed.

Seriously, with the way she walk, Al look like a little girl being reprimanded by his father.

"So you want to say something?"

After entering the living room filled with furnished ornaments, a silky red carpet then a four set of chandeliers emitting a crystal clear light. Rhon immediately asked. Since it came to the point were a little bit of push is needed, for Al to speak. Rhon didn't mind being the catalyst.

"I'm not asking the whole thing, just a bit of information on the enemy is enough for me."

Then again because conversation is not his strong points, he failed to notice how his words contradict each other. Asking information about Lovecraft will eventually led to Al talking about her connection to them which is the topic Rhon tried avoiding out of understanding but ended up doing anyway.

The wensis seemed to have concreted her resolve. She stops fidgeting and calm herself down.

Looking at her resolute form, Rhon also prepared himself hoping his guess is wrong.

"Lovecraft is a Master Illusionist a former acquaintance of mine. Because I got fed up with what they're doing, I left and forced in hiding. My time with you is only the happiest thing that happened to me.
I guess running away isn't really an option. They found me till the end. I'm sorry I drag you into this."

Al continued on without stopping then eventually went teary eyed and started apologizing.

Rhon took his time analyzing her words.

-an acquaintance that reach the level of Master. Specialised in Illusion. What kind of work is it. And Al's spell at that last moment. It's terrifying it sent me shivers on my whole body.

His silence were taken as a negative response so Al can only grimaced and look down. Her tears not stopping, forming a puddle on the floor.

The changed reaction of Al was of course noticed by Rhon. He ignored it though and went on asking what's bothering his mind.

"That spell you used to save me. That's not Skill belonging to an assassins job. Who are you really?"

Rhon ditched the formality now. Not even paying attention to his words if it hurts or not.
He found his doubt going and keep on going the direction he doesn't want.

Al slowly raise her head. Their eyes locked. The firmness resolution she saw in his eyes put her to sighed in resignation. Saying "I give up" in light whisper. Al revealed the whole truth.

"I'm a Priestess of the Cthulu Mythos-"

Rhon jumped back 10 meters away in an instant. Creating a fair distance from Al. Without thinking twice he took out pyr and is pointing its gun barrels at Al.

-Cthulu Mythos!? And a Priestess!? A highest position in the ranks of the Cult. You got to be kidding me. An infamous Cult not just here in this continent but in the whole of FDO. A bunch of lunatics that enjoyed the misery of others. Not one good person would want to have a connection with them.

The wensis already prepared her heart for such a reaction. But it still pained her seeing the real thing.

Clutching her chest tightly she stared at Rhon with a pained expression on her face.

"Speak! Say a damn good reason to me not to pull the trigger!"

Betrayed! The emotion Rhon is feeling right now. He was fooled and used as cover. What's more, he didn't doubt her.

The wensis adamantly shakes her head before saying:

"No, reasons is just a type of excuses. No matter what I say to you. You'll never believe me. Once a doubt is cast, it stays that way."


"...Go on, pull the trigger. I am very much dead anyway. Lovecraft now knows my location. ...If I was to die... Then I'll rather be killed by you than them. Because... I Love You"


Rhon flustered at the sudden confession.

"You remember what I said right? That I wanted to try falling in love even just once. My approach to you may have been intentional."

She pause for a bit.

"...But what I'm feeling right now isn't my intention but a feeling that developed when I stayed with you. This, I'm certain, is not a lie. To prove it, I'm willing to die by your hands."

The wensis stood still, not moving an inch to show her resolution. Waiting for Rhon's judgement.

Rhon's train of thoughts is at full speed.

-Love? Feelings? Developed? What kind of joke is that!? Love is just a piece of emotion in the human heart. How can it lead to someone's death!?

"I don't understand. This is so mess up I can't think straight at all! You love me!? How is that even possible!? Don't spout nonsense all of a sudden to disrupt my mind!"


She called his name, filled with sadness and grief, then continued.

"Then to clear up those misunderstandings. All you need to do is erase the cause right? Kill me right here right now and the root of your suffering will disappear along with me. That solves your problem right?"

"How can you brazenly speak like that!?"

"Because I love you."

Al spoke in a very understanding tender voice.

"I said STOP spouting anymore obvious lies!"

However Rhon couldn't accept the reality in front of him. By this time, he failed as an engineer famed by their calmness.

But at least a little bit of rationality didn't left him and that helped him to finally notice the gap between him and Al.

-With Al's rank at Master level my guns won't even scratch her. To think that I even threatened her. Ahh... How foolish of me.

With a sudden realization, Rhon lowered his gun and they vanished returning to his storage.

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Hahh... Thinking and writing those cheesy words and talking about love is
Mentally Breaking me down. -_-
I'm more on blood and gore but few readers love it.

CL, it's not that I like writing those okay? It's a Necessity to the story.

Need to relieve myself first.

-till next time.

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