The God's Sacrifice

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A/N: Leave a Review and let me know if I should keep writing. I have lots of ideas for this story.

Disclaimer: The story is mine, but all characters and such belong to Rick Riordan

The God's Sacrifice

(One Week after Defeating Gaea)


I didn't know it was possible to be absolutely, utterly, exhausted for an entire week, but here I was. Completely drained from years of conflict in the Titan and Giant wars. It was all worth it in the end though because we won and I'm finally happy. From my bed in Cabin 3 resting my wounds from the Giant war I can confidently say I've finally made it. I have my family back in New York, the campers from both Greek and Rome camps, the seven from the prophecy, Chiron, and most importantly Annabeth. Yes, Annabeth, the sunshine in the darkness of everything. No matter what the Gods or anyone else could throw at me she was and is my rock. Now I get to attend college with her at New Rome next year, grow old, and raise a family with her. How amazing that sounds, finally some peace in my life. Lost in my thoughts I didn't hear the door crack open and a young girl my age with blonde curls and stormy gray eyes walk in until she jumped on me.

"Percy! How are you feeling."

"Better now that you're here."

I couldn't help but crack a stupid grin. It may have sounded stupid when I said it but it was the truth.

"Oh Shut up Seaweed Brain, and get up already. We have stuff to do."

"Fine, but you need to be a little more convincing before I do anythi-"

She cut me off with a passionate kiss on the lips. I fell back on my bed and took her lips on mine with an explosion of love and happiness. Just being around Annabeth made me happy, but just as I was about to deepen the kiss she backed away.

"Is that enough?"

"Yeah, I'll be out in a couple minutes, wait for me will you?"

"Yeah Percy, I'll be outside"

Once she leaves I get up, use the bathroom, and quickly get dressed. Once I leave and meet up with her we walk over to meet up with our friends and walk to the dining pavilion. Since the Romans with their over 150 legionnaires and the Hunters of Artemis have all joined the camp we've struggled to fit everyone into the original tables. Instead we put the old rules on hold and people sit wherever they want. This means I get to sit with Annabeth, Thalia, Nico, and the rest of the seven. Grover even joins us for some meals when he's not busy with Juniper, like today. Overall it was a pretty joyous affair with fresh barbeque and any drink we could want to go along with the normal festive atmosphere. With so many battle hardened friends enjoying themselves it felt like a party. Everything was going great until Mr. D stood up and called for attention.

"Hi campers, how unfortunate that I have to be the one to tell you, but we have more good news from the war. The gods have decided their rewards for the seven and will hold a meeting tonight for the honors. So Peter Johnson, Annabell Chase, Nate Angel, James Grace, Paige McMann, Haisley Lawrence, and Finn Chang report to the big house in 1 hour or you miss your reward. Lunch Dismissed."

With lunch over the only people who stayed in the pavilion was our table with the seven, Thalia, and Grover. We all sat awkwardly until surprisingly it was Nico who broke the silence.

"It won't be the same without Leo. Hopefully he turns up soon. He deserves a reward as well."

He said what we were all thinking but no one dared say. Jason backed him up.

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