Back to the Surface

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A/N: We finally made it out of Tartarus! Let me know what you want to see next. Thank you all for the support. I couldn't keep writing or find the motivation to continue without all of your support. I'll try to update soon.

Disclaimer: Characters are not mine, Plot is mine


After my meeting with Tartarus, I walked back to the room I was staying in to gather my things, but right as I entered the room I realized the stupidity of my decision. I had nothing to grab. My special armour from Hades was always on me and there was no need to change it, and Riptide stayed in my pocket no matter where I left it. So I decided I'd get an early start on the way to the throne room.

It took a couple of minutes to find my way, but I made it to the room about 5 minutes before he was expecting me. I walked in and it was completely empty. It was eery and most definitely creepy being in the throne room alone, but I couldn't think of anything better to do.

It felt like forever, but eventually the room started to fill up and Tartarus flashed in. My time had finally arrived to go back. Oh how great it feels. It makes me wanna jump up and down and break out into song.

As much as I wanted to do it, I knew there would never, ever be a time and a place for it, so I decided not to. Lost in my thoughts, I almost missed it, but Tartarus cleared his throat expectantly and the crowd went quiet.

"We have gathered here today, because we have a new hope. There is a grave danger lurking in the night, but we have a new champion to bring back the day. Nyx will try to kill us all, but this hero here in front of us can change that. He will train, and once he is ready, he will return and lead the fight for our lives!"

The crowd was exhilarated and cheered loudly as he described a way to save them all. It was obvious they were scared of Nyx and the coming war, so they were willing to listen and put their hope in almost anything. Even if they have even less trust in me helping them than I do in Zeus ever doing the right thing. Once the cheering died down, Tartarus began to give war plans to the room on their strategy to defeat Nyx.

It seemed to go on and on because everything he said had nothing to do with me, but I stuck with it. I knew it was just a matter of time before I was back on the surface and I was already starting to make a list of things I needed to do once I got back.

As Tartarus was talking, giving directions and instruction on the war plan there was a crash that shook the palace to its core.

It felt like I was back on the Argo II as it was being attacked by the griffins and other monsters during the Giant war. The floor was shaking, the ceiling and walls were cracking and looked on the brink of collapse, and the throne room erupted into chaos.

It was obvious just from my own intuition that the Giants had arrived. I knew they would be chasing after me, but why they were going the extra step and attacking the Palace was beyond me.

Before I could finish my thought, a ceiling beam took the brunt of another booming assault causing it to break apart and crash down right on top of me. I was an inch from being crushed when Tartarus jumped up and tackled me out of the way.

"You saved my life! Why put yourself at risk like that? Don't get me wrong, i'm happy, but why?"

"Cause I need you. Like I said before, you're my only chance in this war, and you can't die now. That's why you need to get out of here. I was wrong about my children. Those bastards were always rash, but to attack their own father without even talking to me. Nyx must have done one hell of a job manipulating them. It's obvious they've come to wipe us out. We can probably hold them back, but we'll be severely weakened."

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