The Tournament of Champions

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(2 Days Later)


Ever since my meeting with Nyx, everything's been a blur. It felt like the last two days went by in the blink of an eye. The Titans arrived in a caravan yesterday as I watched from my room. It was a festival. They knew this was where they would finally finish off the Hero of Olympus. The drinks were flowing and the aroma was overbearing. I was forbidden from confronting them by Nyx herself and so were they from me. We were to be kept isolated before the fight. This very same isolation I've had since entering Tartarus was miserable. I felt like I was in a dungeon. Well actually, it kind of was a dungeon. I was in the gladiator's quarters which was exactly like a jail cell. Just a small bed, a toilet, and a sink.

Now, thinking about it. I think I actually am a prisoner. I didn't try to open it, but I'm pretty sure the door was locked to prevent me from leaving. The only time I would ever leave my room is when Nyx's warriors would bring me to the training ground to practice for the fight.

No matter now though, today's the fight and I must win if I want to finish my quest!

For the fight, I'm pretty much in the dark about how the whole process is going to go. All I know for the rules is that there are 5 Titans, pretty much anythings game, and there will be a 10 minute break between each fight. Unfortunately, I don't know what order they'll fight me in, so I'm going to need to be ready for anything. My best guess though is that they'll save the most powerful Titans for later in the day.

With a last thought on my battle strategy for the day, the door crashed open and two of Nyx's warriors stood at the door.

"Time for the fights 'hero'. Get up. You have 5 minutes."

"Okay. Alright, I'll be up in a second."

I stayed down for a couple more minutes, but the effort to fall asleep again was futile. Instead I got up and morphed my armour from the pajama state it was currently in to a standard jet black outfit of shorts and a t-shirt. Riptide sat in pen form in my pocket, and I was ready for the day. The day of all days. The day that decides whether I'll have another chance at life.

I tried to eat a light breakfast, but like all meals the last two days, it wasn't really a meal. I don't know how the monsters do it, survive eating down here. The food is awful. I wouldn't even call it food. It's a grey slop worse than anything they would ever serve at my old schools. I took one bite and I almost wanted drink the River Phlegethon instead of this, almost. I threw away the rest of the food and I set out for the arena.

The arena looked small from the outside, like a standard upper class Greek courtyard, but I took one step in and everything transformed. The floor sunk below floor level 50 yards, and in a square surrounding a 20 yard by 20 yard battleground was an ancient stadium filled to the brim with ancient monsters and demons ready to watch the fight. I even saw some monsters I'd fought before. Kelli, Joe Bob, Geryon, and Cacus were some of those in attendance. They were not a friendly group of people in the stands, and I knew that it would be a hostile environment. Every single monster in the crowd will be cheering for a Titan to rip my life from me, because Nyx promised them a great party after the tournament in honor of whoever brings her my head.

I walked in through a tunnel on one side as the Titans were making their introductions on the other. It looked like the Knicks games I would see on TV back in the apartment that Smelly Gabe would watch during his poker nights. As each Titan ran out the crowd chanted their names and roared when they took their places before Nyx. Nyx was in an emperor's box like they had in the time of the gladiators. Instead of the gold and bright colors like a Roman king's box, this one was completely black. It was so completely masked in it's own shadows that we could barely make her out from within it. If I wasn't about to die I would have found it all pretty cool, but I didn't have the time or nerves to notice.

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